[h3]Neo Tokyo Exchange Ruins[/h3] The Yakuza still had much to do to help out in this crisis; but even so they continued to show themselves as a proper pillar of the community. When the chips were down, the people of Japan could count upon all the families of Yakuza to help them out. Hachirou continued to dig through the rubble from the Exchange, searching for other potential civilians caught in the wreckage. Though while this task was the most important, in the back of his mind he swore he forgot something earlier today. The thought would come back again, besides he had more important things going down at the Exchange. After all, this wreckage wasn't going to clean up itself and those people stuck weren't going to move out on their own. [h3]Destrades High[/h3] At Destrades High front courtyard, there was a small scuffle going on. It was nothing serious, just a beating of a male student who was a fairly trusted stooge of Destrades' Third-Year Banchō. The boy was currently in the fetal position, and while prone in this state he received a swift kick to the stomach from a girl. She was from a different batch of delinquents than Destrades own, as noted from the beating of a trusted goon of Destrades. Currently he was surrounded by three girls, but there was a forth who was underneath a nearby tree. In the pack of three, there was the Kogyaru on the right, in the middle there was a shorter girl with bubblegum pink dyed hair in a pixie cut, and on the left there was a girl with a mohawk and several ear-piercings studded into her ears. All three were wearing standard issue school uniforms with skirts that were slightly increased in length. As for the fourth, she was busy staring at a cell-phone in a pink case, that had some Hello Kitty trinkets dangling from the bottom of it. She was dressed in a modified school uniform with a shortened pleaded skirt that had noticeable red threads running down it. And noticeably, the skirt had a large tear on the left side. On her left side she was wearing a book satchel around her shoulder. And her hair extended down her back, with the right side of her hair being her natural hair color of black, while the left side of her hair was dark red. This was Kurokawa Suzume, the Sukeban who was leading this operation against Destrades. She was busy intently staring at the cellphone screen which showed the name 'Huggy-chiro'. There were no new messages from this contact. Gritting her teeth, Suzume's right eye began twitching a bit. [color=6ecff6]"DAMMIT!"[/color] Suzume howled out. She gripped the phone with both of her hands as she stared at it with a furious intent. [color=6ecff6]"You [i]said[/i] you'd bring the repaired skirt in the morning, and that you'd call before I head out! But [i]DID[/i] you bring it!? HUH!? HUH!?"[/color] Her eyebrows furrowed as she gripped on the phone harder with her left hand. Upon these declarations, the girls on both the right and the left began shivering in fear. The wobbliness quickly moved down to their legs as they continued to shake. The one in the middle raised her eyebrow inquisitively as she swung her leg to smack the boy in the forearm. "What's upsetting the boss?" Blowing a bright pink bubble-gum, the artificially tanned girl with platinum blonde hair stared back at her partner. "Like, it is probably 'BF' issues. ...Again." The girl on the left glanced at the one in the middle, "It's [b]NEVER[/b] good for anyone immediately near her. She ge-" [color=6ecff6][b]"MOVE IT!"[/b][/color] Suzume barked out at the top of her lungs, while glaring at her crew of delinquents. Immediately they stepped out of the way, not wanting to be the target of the rampage of their boss. Suzume tossed the phone in her book-satchel as she was rummaging through it with her right hand. As that was going on she was stomping towards the poor sod who motioning to get up. Quickly she pulled out one of the many yo-yos she had. This particular one she flung at his head, was a bright pink. [color=6ecff6]"Oh no you don't!"[/color] Suzume spoke out. With a PANG from the yo-yo, the boy went back down. "Mad" The girl with the mohawk finished up. As she approached the boy she wasted no time in stomping down upon his chest. [color=6ecff6]"You [i]said[/i] that it'd be no problem doing these things! You SAID, it would be no trouble at all and that you weren't busy today! ...You aren't getting away with this.[/color] After about five more stomping strikes, Suzume spun around and headed back towards the tree. She returned the yo-yo back to her satchel as she pulled out her phone. Darting her head to look back at her cronies she spoke frantically, [color=6ecff6]"Get back to it! I've got a call to make. Once it's done, we're moving back out."[/color] [h3]Neo Tokyo Exchange Ruins[/h3] As Hachirou was busy moving through chunks of stone, there came a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOErsvgUK58]distinctive ring[/url] from his right suit-pocket. Perhaps he was getting a call from another section of the Family to note about when they were going to show up? Hachirou quickly reached into his phone as he noticed the caller identification. Snuggume. Hachirou's pupils dilated as he came to the dawning recognition. He [i]totally[/i] forgot about the things he needed to do for his girlfriend. The young professional quickly looked side to side, as he skittered in a sideways motion away from where his other brothers were working in helping out in the wreckage. He moved to the phone to his ear, and as the sweat was dripping down his brow he answered it. [color=a187be]"Heeeey..."[/color] Hachirou responded, dreading the responses that were sure to come from answering this call.