Hearing her words Michael nodded to that, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves for a little at least. He didn't know what was going to happen today and he hoped that nothing would go wrong. He went through the plan once more in his head, seeing if there was anyway to make the plan more safe, but this was shield they were talking about men and women that had trained for years with the best training. That wouldn't stop them though, child of a god, the she hulk, a woman that could never miss a shot with a bow, his girlfriend highly trained by her mother, and him the self trained assassin. They were a team to be reckoned with, but they weren't immortal they could still be killed like any other person. Shaking his head of that thought he would deal with that later. For now he needed to focus on the task at hand which wasn't too hard for him to do. Getting breakfast onto plates knowing Kali she would have them up by the time he would set the plates down onto the bar for them to get.