[b]Wake Up.[/b] Voxx's eyes shot open as his lungs began gasping for that sweet cave air, his nose in the dirt on the ground. All he saw was a dark brown, was this the world now? Cold, wet air and dry, dark dirt? He heard something though, something stirring. His eyes darted back and forth, body weak from sleep, but could not catch a glimpse of anything. Was [i]he[/i] making that sound? Didn't feel like it. "H-Hello..." Voxx stopped breathing as soon as he had begun, what was [i]that[/i] sound? Was it this brown expanse in front of him? Voxx became aware of his body, he wasn't just a floating head but he had more to use! Curling his fingers slowly, fingers cracking in the process, he brought on next to his face. Green. Well, that's a new color! But he wanted to find out what that sound was, or where it came from. He felt his other arm, then his two legs, blood rushing through them like a dam being destroyed in a raging river. All at once he felt energy, the need to go. Though, all he had known was this brown color with this green body. He tensed his left arm and felt himself rise, ever so slightly. His left arm, palm against the dry dirt, pushed forward and soon Voxx was on his back. More colors! There was more to life besides this green body and that brown dirt! There was gray walls that looked jagged, there were other green bodies too! Several were using their arms to be tall. But they looked different than his arms. He strained whilst lifting his head to see if he had strange hands under him and he did! Now to figure out how to be like them and use those other hands. Somehow, Voxx managed to pull himself sitting upright, looking more at the world around him and the other green bodies. Using the nearby wall, Voxx used his new ability of pushing and curling his hands to climb the wall and use it as support to use his other hands. A few seconds passed and he was standing, with the help of a wall! He pushed off the wall but fell over from now knowing his strength. Ow. Sitting down on the dirt he once thought was vast and fascinating, he tried to stand once more. This time it was easier for him, his other hands had more blood rushing to them. He saw another Goblin waving and tried doing that motion with his right hand, it was fun! Now...to figure out how to make that sound. He saw the thing the other Goblin used, something on their head. A mouth, he guessed. Voxx opened and closed his, a click coming from him flicking his tongue. This would be harder than expected. He opened his mouth once more and strained to make any sound, eventually a groan escaped. He did it! Voxx made a sound! As if it was second nature, Voxx began sounding out the word. "H....he....helllllllll.....hello. Hello. Helloooooo!" He started repeating, having fun with this new ability of standing and using his mouth to make noise. He turned to the left and saw another body, though it looked a different color, darker, standing away from the other Goblins. Voxx tilted his head, muttering "hello" still.