[center][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-qoUmXVU1R_k/UPSRgYS2n_I/AAAAAAAAAB4/1bt652_rrlU/w800-h800/photo.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]| Identity |[/color] Orion Pax (Soon to be) Optimus Prime [color=ed1c24]| Origin & Backstory |[/color] Include proper historical background that doesn't contradict setting or pre-approved CSs. Given the nature of the game, if you are playing a really established hero (such as Wonder Woman) who has been around since the Sta'rro attack please detail it consistently. Bolding or coloring these points such as years detailed are a good start. [color=ed1c24]| Attributes |[/color] This one is comprised of your powers, skills, and equipment. So this means everything from your gear, skills, and superpowers (if you have any). You can describe them as briefly or detailed as you wish. [color=ed1c24]| Character Notes |[/color] Is there anything you want to elaborate on? Extra lore for the city you call home? Notable NPCs? Basically this is for people who want their application to be more of a compendium for their NPCs, Locations, and Rogues specific to this new continuity. [color=ed1c24]| Character Goals |[/color] This, next to the sample post, is the most important field of the application. I’m looking for motive and drive to the point that I am safely assured that know you have a story to tell, as opposed to merely 'running into the wind'. In essence, you will be outlining your prospective arcs. For example: “The Killing Joke” could go well in an application for Barbara Gordon as a character. If you passionately explain your goal then I can have confidence in you being active in this role-play. [color=ed1c24]| Sample Post |[/color] I’m looking for your “voice” with the character; samples will be theoretically backstory written or non-continuity posts. I’m looking for a few paragraphs with decent sense of narrative, mood, and characterization. For example, my Batman post goes through the motions of an entire response sequence to a criminal robbery at ACE Chemicals in Gotham City.