[hider=My Hider] Name: Sesran Ujijutz (Darth Evidian) Race: Zabrak Age: 27 Sex: Male Affiliation: (New Sith Order) (Dark Jedi) Rank: Darth (Marauder) Physical Description: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/6fcb/f/2012/147/4/5/sith_warrior_by_forlenza80-d5191hr.jpg[/img] [/hider] Mental Description: Darth Evidian is an aggressive fighter, he puts all his strength into each blow. He amassed his power through neglect, which led to such a hatred for anyone who opposes him. History: On his homeworld of Iridonia, Sesran was trained by Sith Lord Barunak Ujijutz, after whom he takes his surname. He never knew his real parents, however he lived with a host-family, and after years of torment and neglect, he learned to harness his hatred, vowing to return the favor someday. though it could never equal Sesran's innermost damages. Sesran broke into his old home after training one night, he slaughtered his host-family while they slept. Not long after, his master learned of his deed and took it as a trial, then rewarded him with the title of Darth, as a Sith Marauder. He has yet to find a padawan to train. Years after, Sesran began masquerading as a Dark Jedi, he didn't care much for Sith Ideology, instead wished to strengthen his bond with the dark side for his own personal gain. Equipment: 2 Red Lightsabers, both of differing hilt types Secondary Armor: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/thzauBe.png[/img] [/hider] Other: Sesran took the last name of his mentor because he saw him as more of a father figure at a younger age, and in honor of his passing, Sesran took his name. [/hider]