Gippal watched as he seemed to be getting somewhere with the woman. He simply nodded when Nai stated that he came to the same conclusion. She then asked if it was a coincidence or if she meant to be there. the woman then mentioned her friend called out to her... that she now need to get to her. She jumped backwards shooting up a wall of ice, just like Nai did a moment ago but it was different. Urick was about the move towards the wall of ice to try to punch a hole, as he was trained to break rocks with his hands, but before he could Alex exploded with rage and started to slam her fists into the wall. Urick's eyes went wide with concern, she didn't have the correct form and the way she was punching he was worried she would break her knuckles/wrist. But in a few moments the wall cracked then shattered. leaving Urick a bit surprised. They moved through the hole where they started to hear another person yelling, a female. He couldn't hold back, with Alex and this woman barging in, he was worried some collateral damage might happen. He sprinted forward and leaped up the 15 steps in three strides, quickly slipping into the door. He slid to a stop as he yelled, "Alex Wait! Don't Do anything!" He grabbed her shoulder, when he saw a woman lying on the ground, frightened from the three woman that barged in. His eyes wide as he realized who it was. "Eva?!" With out thinking He rushed over and fell to his knee's and wrapped his arms around her in an embrace.