There was a buzzing sound in her ears when she awoke. Nothing felt quite right. As her eyes opened things looked... wrong. Colors seemed painted to things, as opposed to natural, and tiny dark spots seemed to cover things in the distance. She felt dizzy, raising her hand to see if she was in one piece. The first thing Nadica could think of was that she had fallen from the fence. It definitely felt like she had fallen, but she couldn't see it nearby. Actually, nothing seemed familiar. "[color=ed145b]Am I dreaming...[/color]" she murmured to herself. As soon as her words left her mouth, a series of green bubbles seemed to float from nowhere. "[color=ed145b]Well, that answers that,[/color]" marked she through clenched teeth as she stood. Deciding no harm could come of it, she began to follow the source of the green bubbles. Despite being within close proximity, she did not seem to notice the other figures in the small clearing.