[@xXSINXx] A blade, a razor blade... Life was so close to death in that moment he saw from outside Shermie's open door. Life slowly moved into the room, calm and collected. He had changed, perhaps for the better. He was so calm in fact, his arms fell limp by his side, shoulders held high. Towering over Shermie, somewhat intimidating but, also. He wanted in, and she need desperately now more than ever, someone who would guide her from a path down which she could not atone. He grabbed her arm and moved it open, having her wrist facing up towards the ceiling. He placed his index finger on a vein and spoke. "You may not know, but... I can manipulate blood, it is very useful as a vampire to do so for myself. My purposes, as well as others if needed. I say this now, because what better time ah?" Life traced the vein from her wrist, and higher up her arm. "I can see, feel...[i]juuust[/i] hear, all circulation- and I know exactly where to cut." He removed himself from her. "But I am here, you will be seldom alone. And what greater power, than love? See... You control death yes? But, yet. You've given me NEW life, opened the door to friendship, and compassion. You're better than this. You're better with me." He closed the door, as to let nobody see the blade, and the incident that could potentially take place. He sat beside her and placed his hand on her hand with the razor.