Hunter laughed at Jar and suddenly got very defensive. Jareth put his hands up “Woah, man, that’s not what I said. It’s just, Grant’s a tank, I certainly wouldn’t want to provoke him in any way—" Hunter cursed and ran off, brandishing his keys. Jar’s eyes locked onto them like a hawk. How did he get them? No, this can't be happening! His mind was processing everything in such overdrive that the world seemed to be moving in slow motion. "Don’t you dare!” he called out after Hunter, his feet unable to carry him fast enough in the warm sand. [i]"I am not attending another friend's fucking funeral. It’s not going to happen."[/i] he thought angrily. When his bare feet met with the hot pavement in the parking lot, it was too late. Hunter was speeding off in El Camino. “Fuck!” Jar said and raked his hands through his hair, pacing anxiously and looking thoroughly panicked. What could he do? He couldn’t drive, having had a few drinks to get the courage to sing for Delilah, plus, he had no idea where Hunter was headed. Jar did the only thing he thought was reasonable… try to prevent another potential tragedy. He ran back to Adelisa, who was alone at the bar still. But even his presence disturbed her, she was obviously very upset with herself. [i]“I shouldn’t be near you. You might use me too.”[/i] she said in a hiss. “What? No, I’m not a douche, I don’t know what Delilah told you about me these past two months but I wouldn’t—“ Once again, his words meant absolutely nothing to anyone. She had taken off, with her guitar returned to her possession, presumably back to her room in the condo. Jar was flabbergasted, and looked to the bartender with his hands held out in front of him “What the hell am I supposed to do now? Go after her?” he asked and the bartender shrugged and said “I guess so?” Jar walked towards the condo, heading to the seventh floor. He was pretty sure his presence wouldn’t be welcome, even with Lila there doing damage control. Surely they would recognize that Adelisa was hurting just as much… would they? Did they really know what the face of suicide looked like, Lila had claimed to. He hoped they did, for Addy’s sake. Instead of choosing to go in either suite, Jar just slumped down onto the ground in the hallway between the two doors. He crossed his legs and pressed his fingers together, waiting. All he could do was wait now. He wondered where the hell Grant had gone. He wondered if Hunter would be alive tomorrow. With that thought, he put his head in his hands, trying not to let his thoughts wander that far. He couldn’t…