[h1] El Tercer Imperio Mexicano [/h1] [b]Mexican Bureau of Foreign Affairs[/b] On behalf of the Mexican Nation, I, Isabella Ramirez, announce that our nation and the United South Asian Empire shall be attending the peace conferences in Germany. We currently have a diplomat on his way to the conference as we speak, and he will arrive shortly. From that point the decision shall be reached on the future of the war. I have met as well with the South Asian diplomat and negotiated their terms and synthesized our two ideals together. By the grace of God, we will end this conflict and restore the basic ideal of human rights to the Caliphate of Istanbul. ----- Isabella Ramirez, Head of the Mexican Bureau of Foreign Affairs. Gloria a Don Salazar y La Eglesia Christiana Isabella looked back with happiness at the idea of true peace talks. She knew that Don Salazar would not approve of such actions, but he was not in the country right now, and if they could save the lives of not only their own soldiers but of their allies and even their enemies. Isabella was not much of a warmonger, a stark contrast to her mentor and predecessor. She wondered how he was doing, if he had arrived in Ethiopia right now. But that was nothing but idle thought, and she shouldn't worry about such things; her life was going as perfectly as possible, and she should think happily. Perhaps some television will clear her mind. She turned it on, as usual it was already tuned to a local news channel, but what Isabella saw horrified her deeply. The reporters were in The United States of Africa, showing the shredded wreckage that was hauled onto the shoreline. It was easily recognizable as the pieces of Don Salazar's personal jet. As she listened the story began to unfold as to what had happened. It was reported that at 16:00, Don Salazar's plane began to go off course, and suddenly was plunged into the Atlantic Ocean about 60 Miles from the coast of the USA. Upon investigation it was found that the Don's plane was not being piloted by his usual pilot, but by a stand in pilot. The man was named Muhammad Xuluc, a member of the predominantly muslim Tzotzil Maya, an indigenous ethnic group found almost exclusively in the country's Guatemala Province, itself a plurality Orthodox region. Xuluc was found in his background checks to have no official connection to the Caliphate of Istanbul, but was very much attracted to their ideology and felt that he must support them. The Tzotzil Maya community has begun a fierce condemnation of his actions, and seems to be completely with the country in this event. The Tzotzils have also condemned the Caliphate for radicalizing this man with their, in their own words, "cancerous distortions of Islam". That was all that had to be said by the news before Isabella simply shut off the television set. She could not deal with this right now. She had to return home to not only grieve in her own right, but to console her no doubt devestated husband. [b]Strait of Gilbraltar, Atlantic Ocean[/b] "Greeks ahead, sir!" one of the naval soliders proclaimed as the greek fleet was spotted just before the strait. The Admiral smiled as they slowed down and stopped once the Greek fleet had approached them and demanded their stop. "This is it, men. From this point on we just wait and relax." The admiral made an announcement to the Greeks, "For what reason have you stopped us?" [b]Strait of Malacca, PRFA[/b] All appeared to be going to plan. The ride had been smooth and no one had bothered to interfere with the advance of the Mexican and UTA fleet. That feeling, however, was to be short lived. "Sir! The Chinese have alerted us to the presence of a Soviet Fleet headed in our direction!" The Admiral cursed as he heard the news, "Well what do they want!" "I don't know but I feel we will find out soon. At the rate they are approaching we will not be able to outspeed them before we reach Sri Lanka to refuel." The Admiral thought and thought and finally came to a decision. "Get the True Asians on the phone, tell them to deter those Soviets however they can. But do not attack, for the love of God, Do not Attack them, but just keep them away from us" "Understood, sir, I will deliver the message right away" the soldier said as her relayed the same message to the Chinese. [b]College of Cardinals, Vatican City[/b] Alfonso Huerta, Cardinal of Mexico, stood before the College to make a humble request. "Dear brothers in Christ, I stand before you on this most tragic of days to offer my services to fulfill the duties of our beloved Holy Father while he recovers from the horrific attack on his life." Huerta was an older man, one who lived though the expansion of the Mexican Empire, and though he would never be allowed to say it, in many ways detested the militaristic ways that Simon Salazar had brought to his country. Once he was free to speak in the GEC he was much more open about that among his colleagues. Now he was compelled to step in on behalf of the college and take up the papal responsibilities until the Pope, god willing, was healthy again. He could only hope they would comply.