''Bribe you?'' Vanessa asked with a very innocent voice, laying her hand on her cheek. ''I wouldn't dare sir.'' She looked at him with a open, fake surprised face and then giggled again. ''ha, see? Even if I would bribe you, your okay with it as long its with food'' she said and grinned. She giggled and smiled when he said that he could help her make a studio. ''Thank you!'' she said with a smile, leaning over and maybe a little to enthusiastic, giving him a kiss on his cheek. She leaned back, a little surprised herself too, and looked at him. ''Ehm.. Sorry, that was really... inappropriate'' she said and looked down. Then she looked at Sarah with a smile. ''Hey, I am gonna leave you here with your daughter and see if I can find a good paint shop nearby, just in case your parents don't have the colors I wanna have and after that I am gonna prepare dinner.. any things we dislike?'' she asked and looked now at all of them for a second.