[@Eklispe] Skotadi suddenly could hear a voice coming from the castle so she turned around towards the direction that the voice had come and saw a boy rapping on the window and looking straight at her. She looked at him for a while to make sure that she wasn't crazy but it didn't help as she still thought that she was going mental, she thought to herself that it wasn't possible for people to get stuck in paintings," No, I'm not inside of a painting, that would be illogical, no, I am in a parallel universe, simple, parallel universes are totally possible," she hadn't heard of scientists figuring that subject out yet but it's not like they know everything. Skotadi decided to go towards the castle and therefor get closer to the boy, she wanted to know if he had any information on this universe that could possibly help her situation. She started walking towards the castle doors, her walking was a lot faster than you would think but she had always been a fast walker, her walk was the equivalent to someone's jog. She didn't walk this fast on purpose, she had merely gotten used to having to move quickly and quietly.