[@Ninkitty] "I agree with you. I have had a decent life. At least I had food and shelter as well as all of my basic needs met during my lifetime. Some have not had that much. All we have to do now is to understand who we are now, right?" Mystique smiled at Ayaka. [@xXSINXx] Lady Violetta looked horrified and pushed her glass towards Sir Marilyn. "I do believe that you have me messed up with someone else from YOUR PAST. Thank you for retrieving the Necronomicon. Since you have it, please make a copy for yourself and one for me. Then the original needs to be placed in box. But the only one that can do so is Miss Shermie must do so herself. It is time for me to mingle with the rest of the people here. Please let me know when you have the copies made and the Original in the box." Lady Violetta spoke in a cold voice. After she was finished with the so called butler, she walked away so that anyone can speak with her.