Luke stood a gargoyle, as the light poured onto the deck and engulfed the armored titan, that nothing seemed to stop. For a moment there was nothing but the light visible to the eye. A bubble wrapped the armored foe, and then splatters. What could be mistaken as blood exploding inside the light, then it raised overhead and grew. For a moment Luke worried that the creatures energy would escape, and become an even more devestating force. Tightening his grip on his dagger and clenching his left hand into the sturdiest fist he could make, he prepared himself. Maybe this new form would be more prone to being pierced or maybe just a strong right hook would end it. Then it was gone. The bubble, the red stains inside it, the lumbering armor, all of it. Leaving only a brief light show, of two of Luke's favorite colors. His grip loosened, and he looked around the boat. "What can I do?" Luke let slip from his lips, low enough that the words were indistinguishable. Luke saw the hole in the ship where the body of a boy lay lifeless and images of his brother washed over him. Taking a hard swallow, trying to wash away the thought, he wondered, "Is this how George would've seen me? The kid is no older than I was. Would he even have been able to stand, because all I can feel is a heaviness." Luke seemed to never really adjust to seeing people that way, dead, he always took the deaths personally. He knew he'd never really met the boy, but he still felt something. Luke had remembered the man being carried off by some other crew members, and hoped that he would be alright. After all, he had just fought and defended the ship. He walked to the people who were speaking about what had happened. He kept his cool and stood far enough away to not get noticed. He didn't really need to hide, but living on the streets so long, Luke felt weary trying to join others in any conversation, let alone adults. On top of all the ones who'd saved the ship, however they did it. From the distance, Luke could make out the captain, of course he was pretty distinctive not to notice, then there was the crewman, or at least what he thought was one, maybe just a good friend of the captain, finally it was the women who fired off the light. He hadn't really seen the woman enough to distinguish any features other than her interesting clothing choices, and he wasn't sure he'd want to move in anymore, what with her defeating the armor herself. He couldn't help but feel his heart race when he thought of the power, and he couldn't narrow down whether or not he was scared or intrigued to find out how she did it. He noticed the man who had been knocked almost entirely off the side of the ship with the captain, head down towards the cabin. Luke also thought about the woman who tried to stop him from joining the fight, or succeeded, he wondered if she was alright and if she had seen the show. Then he questioned if she had already known about what was gonna happen, maybe she had some sort of future sight. Luke was hammering away on the deck with the others, sailors, and civilians alike were working together to fix the ship. Luke wanted to help with repairs, he figured he could make himself useful somehow. He looked up and took in the sun that had opened up the sky. He didn't notice when the rain had stopped, only that it had, and that it made repairs much easier. Last night was full if excitement, last night no one knew if they were going to make it to the morning, and yet everyone seemed to pull together as if none of it had happened. Luke had taken a nap at some point through the night, everyone took a shift where they got a few minutes of rest, however brief. A group of cranky and sleep deprived sailors weren't going to help get anything done, at least not as effectively and as quickly as they could. The group of guys used Luke to hold up smaller parts and slip through small hole and crevasses in the ship to fix other problems that might be wrong. It all looked like simple patchwork, but the crew really knew their way around the ship, which impressed Luke more than he would let on. Shielding his eyes from the sun and then looking back at what used to be a giant gorge in the ship, the repair team all stood up and celebrated. They had done good work, and they definitely deserved to cheer a little bit. Luke always found it funny when the sailors got excited. They are easily excited, and ready to celebrate anything. It was refreshing. Luke noticed the captain's good friend, Epu he had been called by the other crew members,  head into the belly of the ship to spread the news that the captain needed everyone to gather. What could the captain want to say. Maybe he wanted to reassure everyone after what had happened last night. Luke thought about the two men who had been substantially injured last night and thought about maybe looking in on them. He didn't want the people who fought for the Burning Bitch's to meet their end today and thought that if one person would keep them in thoughts maybe they would be kept alive by the grace of god. So Luke headed down to the underbelly of the ship, where he first sprang into action. He found the doctors makeshift surgery room, and peered in, noticing that one of the men had moved around. Which meant at least one of them was feeling a little bit better. Luke rested on the door and stood there for a bit before he saw the captain pass by him. Ever curious Luke followed the captain to the captains quarters, and through the door he could hear the sobs of the captain. Luke knew that the boy had been brought to the captain, the lot who carried him away passed him as they had been repairing the ship. Luke needed to find out more about the boy, after all, he was the youngest one to leave them, and so early in their travels. Luke knocked and entered the captains quarters. He knew it was wrong to just barge in without proper permission, but Luke didn't want to miss his opportunity to find out more about the boy. "What is his name?" Luke asked as he slowly positioned himself up near the captain, and just far enough away from the boy's body. The dead like most things never got better with time.