Ash watched as the lead bandit took off running as well not wanting to tangle with the Hystop himself. He would consider it a saving grace as that man's blade was more dangerous right now then the creature. As Ash watched Vivian turn towards him, it was in just a split second that he also saw the feline creature jump between them; he mentally gave a growl when rather than attacking him, a weakened target, it turned it's attention towards Vivian to go after her. He rushed towards them now with his sword drawn as the Hystop raised it's big paw to attack her and get at her neck. Ash's sword arched upwards to meet the Hystop's paw before it could land on her arm. The creature was thrown off of her from the impact, quickly rolling back over onto it's feet hissing and spitting at Ash now as he stood over the woman, his sword held in front of him to block the creature. With his breathing slightly labored Ash watched as the Hystop began to circle them, it's cold yellow eyes glaring at Ash as he stood between it and it's prey. It lunged at them now as Ash slashed his blade in front of the creatures face to push it back again. He felt the blade connect with the creature, as it howled in pain and jumped back. Ash saw a small gash across the Hystop's nose arching up over it's left eye. Ash stepped forward now from where he stood over Vivian, as he put himself between her and the feline which growled angrily at him. Hopefully the bites of his blade would be enough to drive the creature off, he didn't really want to kill it but if it gave him no option then he would. The cat paced back and forth in front of him before lunging at him again, Ash brought his sword up to block the leap, he felt a single claw connect just by his right eye but it wasn't anything to phase him as the cat was thrown sideways, the sharp blade slicing across it's underside. The feline slumped slightly on the ground before getting up slowly. It roared weakly at the human who had injured it before bounding off into the woods. Ash listened for a few moments to make sure it had left, then quickly threshed his sword making his way quickly over to Vivian kneeling down next to the woman. "My lady Vivian are you alright? Are you hurt at all?" he asked in a worried tone as he looked over her, looking for injuries and waiting for a response.