[@thewizardguy] The creature drops rapidly, leaving a crater in the roof of the main castle shortly before the sun flickers and goes out with a comedic "zzzt" like a light bulb, the illusion broken. The creature stands warrily, rubble falling off of him as ornstein, the once great dragon slayer, rushes into the room and charges at the crature, his spear meeting the unyeilding 'flesh' and faltering before it grab the head and tugs him closer by it, uppercutting the fallen slayer out of the building and up on level with cosmos before he crashes down to anor londo once more, the souls feeding into the currently present chosen undead as the creature exits the room, crashing through the balcony due to it's weight but thankfully going no further thanks to the nature of the structure. Smough then joins it on the lower and attempts to wallop it like a nail with his great hammer, the creature stopping it with a single hand before running up and punching him in the rotund belly, launching him out of the castle and into the undead parish, the obligatory items dropping in front of the creature before it simply devours them, having no use for the trinkets. Though, after a bit of finagling it rejoins the omegans through use of raw kinetic propulsion, keeping it's illogical flight stable through magic as it reassumes it's watching position now that the guardians of the realm had been dealt with