[b][i]Zephyr[/i][/b] Zephyr settled back to watch the pair, looking pleased with the awkward look on the girl's face. She was blushing and everything. Leval looked pretty surprised as well, and Zephyr felt smug up until he found himself looking at a larger than life caricature of himself. [i]What the...[/i] He thought, raising an eyebrow at the word on his forehead. He couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing, along with the rest of the room. The illusion of him looked pretty similar, and and Leval had even gotten the voice almost right. His laughter only increased in volume when the illusion started talking about his mother and all, and he was laughing right up until the illusion faded. When it did, he kept chuckling for minutes after. That had been a pleasant although unexpected result, and even though he'd laughed, he had no qualms about beating up anyone who thought they could laugh at him in addition. It had been an unusual but effective comeback, and Zephyr found that he actually trusted and respected the illusionist more for it. Standing up, he walked over to him and the vampire, a deadly serious look on his face. "That would have been hilarious," he started, "if my mother hadn't died a month before I came here." That was a lie, of course, he'd never known his parents, and he didn't particularly care to. It was probably a joke in bad taste as well, but he didn't really care. His face cracked into a grin, and he held out a hand to Leval. [i]"Well played."[/i]