[@Magnato] "Oh I am sorry indeed I was looking for that girl I talked to earlier," Jak looked this new girl over and he then said jokingly. "So you think I am going to open the gates to hell eh?" Jak smiled in good humour and then continued. "If you had said that to anyone else like me they probably would've totalled the whole school and destroyed everything but you are talking to a more calmed Demonoid I am a Warlock as you might call I have Demon and Human blood" Jak looked around checking if any teachers were around or anyone else for that matter and then showed this person his actual appearance. He looked a little taller and muscular with Obsidian coloured skin and Dark pupil less eyes and small dark horns and a small pointed tail. Then he reverted to normal which he preferred the form to his demonic humanoid form. "And no I will not open the gates to hell I am trying to adapt to your kind of life as humans because I am willing to try puting aside my differences and adapt" He cleared his throat and then looked at the girl and asked. "What is your name?"