Hunter sat in the back of an Ambulance, His left arm was in a sling, he had a minor concussion, an a couple cracked ribs. He made it out better then the El Camino, his very first car was in shambles. The door had to be removed to get him out, same with the steering column, The roof isn't savable, but somehow the locker in the trunk survived just fine, well other then a loos shotgun shell going off at some point during the wreck. As far as he knew all the contents inside it were safe enough. The old car was going to be taken to a mechanic, he was told considering everything that happened he was lucky to be alive. He knew he was lucky to be alive, but now that he was alive he had to make sure everything else was alright. The car was in... fixable condition, as in two days at the mechanic and he could drive it again, a week or so and it would be about as fixed as it could be, though Hunter didn't have the money for that. Two days it was for him. He got up from the back of the ambulance and asked one of the EMTs for a phone. Then he just held it, he screwed up everything tonight, who could he call? As far as he could tell he about pissed off everyone, who ever he didn't seem to piss off he broke there hearts. His closest family was several states away, also he didn't want to explain to anyone he was related to he was drunk and crashed his car going over 100 miles an hour. He didn't have the guts to face anyone at this moment, he just wanted to go home, though he was going to have to wait at least a couple days for the car to get fixed. He handed the EMT the phone. "Thanks, I'm going to get going, I have someone meeting me down the road a ways." He started walking down the road, it was about 6 miles back to the town, then another 2 to get tot he hotel from where he was at. He already talked to the officer on the scene, he had a fair amount of tickets to pay for not only him being drunk well driving, but also his vehicle wasn't street legal because of its condition. Walking was something Hunter did a lot of, his car had a slight tendency to break down a lot. Though he didn't get far before the officer at the car wreck more or less forced him to get a ride back to the Hotel. "Thanks." He said as he got out, his foot stepped in some kind of liquid on the curb, breaking fluid? Sucks for who ever owns that car. He walked as clean as he could inside, though he was still holding a limp well he walked into the hotel. He tried to take the stairs, still hurting to much. The elevator was close, he walked his way over to that and took it up. He almost made it back tot he Condo before he noticed Jareth and Grant. He had to make things right. He fucked up and now it was time to face the consequences. He walked up too the two of them. "Alright, First off, sorry for telling you off Jareth, I was in a piss poor mood and that wasn't your fault... Sorry about that." he turned to face Grant. "And I know you're pissed man, so before you go off I want you to know it wasn't Adelisa's fault, I was in a weak state at the moment. I'm sorry." He stopped for a moment. "But I'm not the only one who should be sayings sorry, She cares for you still. Seeing that other girl hurt man. Now." He held out his good arm and move his sling out of the way of his chest as best as eh could. "Now I'm ready, Just avoid the face for now, No idea how bad the concision is yet, and the left side of my rib cage, couple of those are cracked still." He closed his eyes and braced for impact.