Who wants to play as an amnesic exiled alien convict in some ruined Earth landscape? You do. Go on, sign up. Do it. Just do it. I command you. [center][h1]Foreign Amnesiacs[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BB6fM0x.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][i]Your character awakes within an unfamiliar desolate and ruined urban landscape, remembering nothing but their name.[/i][/center] [center][u][b]RP Summary[/b][/u][/center] [list][*]Post-Apoc Survival [*]Non-Human Characters [*]Totally freeform [*]No plot beyond exploration and survival [*]Sci-Fi[/list] [center][u][b]Story (Known to Characters)[/b][/u][/center] Your character awakes, suffering a minor concussion and finds themselves amidst a gigantic ruined urban landscape. A smouldering wreckage of a small spacecraft lays nestled in the rubble nearby, and it seems intimately familiar to them, though they know not how. An explosion; no, a sonic boom, thunderclaps in the dreary skies above. Your character spots several glowing lights, trailing flames and smoke, spiralling towards the ground. They all vanish beyond the ruined high-rises of this once great metropolis, but each make a muffled thud in the distance as they make impact. Your character has no idea where they are, how, or why, but it is apparent they are not alone. [center][u][b]Story (Unknown to Characters)[/b][/u][/center] The characters are convicted felons of the Proxima Deltiri League, an interplanetary alliance of extraterrestrial (aka, non-human) species from the Proxima solar system. What the characters did, why, or whether they were even guilty is not for them to know. However, their crimes were considered so heinous that they were given the worst punishment possible: their minds were wiped of all knowledge of their pasts, and they were cast out as exiles to live the remainder of their lives in misery; confused and suffering until their dying days. Their destination? Earth, 2532 A.D World War 4 erupted between the bickering humans nearly two centuries ago, just decades after they'd fought a devastating World War 3 that almost destroyed the planet. This fourth war resulted in the final destruction of the last known human civilisations, and now only ruins stand as testimony to the glory and power that was once theirs. Amidst the rubble, a few human stragglers cling to life, fighting a daily battle to survive, even as their global population staggers further into total extinction. Creatures, irradiated by humanity's nuclear arsenal, have evolved over generations into fearsome mutated forms of their ancestors; the flora has become a twisted and horrific parody of what it once was. Everything is out to kill everything else, and life is a very cheap commodity as the planet prepares to transcend from the Age of Man to the Age of Darkness. All in all, it's Hell out there, and your character is invited. [center][u][b]Rules[/b][/u][/center] [list][*]Power for the people, by the people. Any disagreements and RP-related issues will be resolved by general consensus of players. [*]Imagination > Sky. Few restrictions here on what kind of creature the players choose to play as. Keep it sensible, keep it creative, but above all, keep it cool. [*]Alien technology = lasers, FTL drives, forcefields - that kind of thing. [*]Human technology = Low sci-fi, basically 2015 but with futuristic quirks. I don't want to define it too much, as to allow players as much creative freedom that can be allowed. We'll reel each other in if we think someone is getting too carried away! [*]Alien psi-powers allowed! I mean, why not? [*]Steamy alien s*x scenes actively encouraged and must be accompanied by detailed graphic drawings. [*]The above rule was a joke. Please don't do anything against the guild's rules. [*]Characters can pursue whatever little story they want. Run away, build a farm, something, profit? Find some humans, enslave them and build a new empire? Hunt down other aliens and kill them JUST CAUSE? Sure, do it all. [*]Earth's mutated wildlife = Jaws on legs, riding a lawnmower towards a pic-nic table full of children. Basically, it's very angry, in some cases very bizarre (man eating dandelions) and very indiscriminate.[/list] [center][u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u][/center] [center]You'll notice some usual information requests missing from the character sheet. This is because obviously they're missing their memory. They don't know who they are, or where they came from, only their name.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] They remember this much, at least. [b]Gender:[/b] If applicable. [b]Appearance:[/b] Include height and approximate weight. [b]Psionic Powers:[/b] Because sometimes little green men use their minds to move things or injure overtly frustrated giraffes. Seriously though, if your character has some kind of sixth sense, or psychokinetic power, list it and describe its capabilities. Be sensible though ;) [b]Augmentations:[/b] Any part of your character that has been modified by unnatural means. A cyborg would be an example of someone who has been augmented. Also include the augmentations' powers, don't just put "Cool flashy red eye" because me, Jack, Jim and John ain't gonna know whether it shoots lasers or sees through women's clothes. [b]Survival Box:[/b] Each exiled convict has been issued a basic survival box, designed to prolong their existence and suffering. List 5 items that your box contains - can literally be anything, but tone down on the weapons. If I see someone say: Item 1 = laser gatling gun Item 2 = plasma bazooka LOL Item 3 = light saber Item 4 = megga big combat armour Item 5 = pet chinchilla with carnivorous intent I'll go nuts at them. Just think really, what would you expect the box to contain? More than likely, it'd be tailored to your character's species. [b]Conviction Related Item:[/b] An item associated with what your character did to get themselves exiled. Accompanied by a note that reads, "This object is symbolic of what condemned you to amnesia in exile." [b]Personal Effect:[/b] A single item, strongly related to the character's past. Photograph, sound recording - that kinda thing. Something that gives a small light into who they were before their exile, but not enough to tell them the exact details. [hider=Easter Egg] [center][img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/3e6424d5-53cb-4e07-87e7-e59b72c037e3/8b80304a-168b-439a-93bd-8e0b1e82ee0f_560_420.jpg[/img][/center] You are the last of a dying race; the Age of Man has ended, and is crashing down around you in fits of senseless violence, disease and terror. Gone are your cities. Gone are your nations. Gone are your governments, and your systems. This world isn't yours any-more, you had your chance -- now Mother Nature is claiming it back, but she is not the sexy femme fatal you remember. Oh no. She is a twenty headed tentacle monster crawling out of the blackened seas that your race ruined with their insolence. What you once admired in science fiction novels, hunts you in the darkness. What you once grew in your silly little gardens, stalks you from every crack and crevice. A rat was once a pest. Now, it is the exterminator. Your only hope is to revert back to your roots, to fade away into the chaos and the danger, and to live as a hunter-gather, as did your ancestors in a simpler time long forgotten by those who ushered your kind into their Last War. You are not alone though; someone very dear to you, or perhaps not? Clings to you for secondly survival. They are the last light in your life, and for better or for worse, you must establish a safe life for them. Or die trying. [center][b]Main Character[/b][/center] [center][i]This is your Joel.[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]History:[/b] This might be a bit glitchy, as I haven't given much to go on. There was a World War Four between man's last surviving nations. Just make it up, we'll run with it. [b]Personality:[/b] Must be pretty ratty, huh? I'd go nuts if I didn't have a shower at least once a day. [b]Items:[/b] Same rules as the Aliens, list five human items. Remember, 2015 with futuristic quirks - bit like watching an 80's sci fi movie where they had modern tech but with futuristic stuff too. [b]Weapon:[/b] Include ammo [center][b]Second Character[/b][/center] [center][i]This is your Ellie.[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Relationship to Main Character:[/b] [b]History:[/b] This might be a bit glitchy, as I haven't given much to go on. There was a World War Four between man's last surviving nations. Just make it up, we'll run with it. [b]Personality:[/b] Must be pretty ratty, huh? I'd go nuts if I didn't have a shower at least once a day. [b]Items:[/b] Must be inferior to your main character's inventory. This is not a team effort, your main is looking after them. Not the other way around. [b]Weapon:[/b] Apply the same logic as items. If your main has an assault rifle, your second has a pistol or less.[/hider]