[center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/rohzymc/qzIm24h4x/republic_city_banner.jpg[/img] [color=red]Fire[/color], Air, [color=lightblue]Water[/color], [color=green]Earth[/color]. After the defeat of Kuvira, Avatar Korra and Asami Sato vanished and were nowhere to be found. Time passed as the people of Republic City went back to their normal lives. Now, like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the avatar starts anew, and brings to the world not one Avatar...but two. Yin and Yang, Heaven and Earth. They, like the Avatars before them, will save the world. [h2][b][u]Book 1: Encounters[/u][/b][/h2] -In the Republic City Pro Bending Arena- Around the arena people are gathering as a match is soon to be starting between the new Fire Ferrets and the Water Dragons. "Welcome ladies and gentleman to one of the most anticipated matches in all of pro bending!" said the announcer. "Here we have the Water Dragons who have been kicking all kinds of butt in their matches this season! They are facing the famous Fire Ferrets for the title of pro bending champions!" He added as the crowd cheers in excitement. -Inside the Fire Ferrets locker room- in the locker room Mako, the captain of the Fire Ferrets is getting his last pieces of gear on. "Alright that should do it. You ready you guys?" Mako said as he looked towards his little brother, Bolin and a waterbender( [url=http://img01.deviantart.net/a7ee/i/2012/190/f/3/waterbender_oc_by_acidpopz-d56mume.jpg]Sakura[/url] ) "Yeah I know I'm ready! What about you Sakura?" Bolin said as he wrapped his arm around Sakura, "Y-Yeah I think so." Sakura said nervously as Mako put his hand on her shoulder "No need to be so nervous. Trust me when I was your age I was nervous too." Mako said trying to comfort her "Really?" she replied "Yeah, I got knocked out a couple times in the first round but in he end we made it through the match and I was over my nervousness and became the pro bender I am today." He said giving off a few punches in the air "I'm just not as skilled as you guys. I don't feel like I belong on such an amazing team." she said as she hung her head. "We picked you as our waterbender because we saw potential in you, we saw a butt load of skill and talent in you. So in our books you belong on this team." Bolin said in his usual goofy tone.[/center]