[quote=@Dead Cruiser] Just making suggestions is all. I am more than willing to help alter the more egregious parts of the system (which I mentioned previously). This alarms me a bit, though. You're saying that there is no electromagnetism (which governs nearly all of macrochemistry as we know it), no gravitation (which should speak for itself), no strong force (which allows atoms to exist) and no weak force (which allows chemical interaction)? [/quote] By "no quantum effects", I mean matter is not subject to the uncertainty principle, and does not exhibit the kind of wave-particle duality we have in real life. There is no quantum wavefunction, no superposition, no collapse, no being at multiple locations at the same time. You also still seem to be treating this universe as though it's made of the same "stuff" as real life. It isn't. Matter is made of completely different fundamental particles, governed by completely different forces. Said fundamental particles are held together by magic, not by the thing we call the strong nuclear force in real life. Something superficially similar to electromagnetism exists, but isn't the same as real life, isn't limited to the speed of light, and isn't responsible for most of chemistry. The weak force as we know it doesn't exist either, and its effects on chemical interactions are replaced by forces we ostensibly call "magic". Gravity is still the curvature of spacetime caused by mass, but no event horizons, because no relativistic effects, because no limitation of speed of light, because electromagnetism is different, etc. Bottom line is, don't treat this like real life physics. It's something completely different. It's probably best to just throw up your hands and say "it's magic"; you're not the one who has to worry about how it all works. [quote=@Dead Cruiser] Anyway, ignoring that, I've actually spent a good hour and a half looking over the chart, trying to see how it can be refined without taking it apart. Taking sources mostly from classical alchemy, much of the system falls apart due to it resting on an axis of three elements rather than four. "Life" is also a major wrench in the works, as it is not matter, energy or an interaction. But, regardless, I do have some suggestions. [/quote] Uh... I'm sorry that you spent over an hour on this, but... I can't accept these suggestions. As I said above, you're still treating this like real life physics and chemistry, which just doesn't fit. Please just take the current system or leave it. I really don't think I can tweak it any more than I already have, especially at this stage of the game. Though... I'm going to change the name of the Chemical element to "Acid", so that it doesn't sound like it comprises all of what we see as chemistry in real life. Do remember that the names of the elements are just words, and words don't usually describe things with perfect accuracy. EDIT: To clarify, the Life element represents a specific type of magical energy that is found in the bodies of organic lifeforms, which is usually called "life energy". It is related to electrical energy, which is why Life combines with Air to make Electric. It isn't an abstract concept; none of the elements are.