When they sat on the bench, Carter absorbed what Asa was saying and didn't say anything. He didn't know how to respond, but what Asa said was true. After hearing his friend speak, he didn't think about it like that. It completed the bigger picture that made the mundanes so...different from them. Asa rested his head on Carter's shoulders, much like he did when they were children and Carter would console him. [b]"Family doesn't stop at blood for the Uisilons, but it seems like up here, with the Mundanes, it doesn't even start with family. And I can't handle that, can't live up here, knowing that."[/b] Carter thought for a moment, then nodded. “To be honest...I feel exactly like that too.” He looked up at the sunny sky though his sunglasses and let Asa rest on him for a while. “Home is where the heart is, like that Mundane saying, I guess.” He smirked. When they finished their deep conversation, Carter felt like it was enough of philosophical talk, so he got up and stretched. “Well I don't know about you, but I'm starving. As much as we babbled there about the mundanes, though...” Carter shuffled through his pockets and took out a little bit of Mundane money. “They do make some pretty damn good food.” He only had about 10 bucks to spend that he earned after bumping into an old lady paid that him to carry some of his groceries. If there was ever anything they needed to buy, it'd be food. Or at least, that was Carter's opinion. He just really liked food. They walked to a nearby coffee shop that always had a pleasant aroma coming from it. Carter grew excited as they looked at the glass window with the baked goods. The cashier seemed to walk away just as they arrived, so they had some time to look at what they wanted to buy. “Hey, look at these colorful glazed ring bread things.” He then stared at the label and raised an eyebrow questionably. “Oh. Doughnuts.” He mumbled and glanced at Asa. “You see anything that you like?”