[quote=@Darcs](mdk 1) This implies that homosexuality is some kind of disfigurement. It isn't, like at all. [/quote] That's why that irks me. The whole thing is used like "You wouldn't make fun of a blind girl for being born blind, so why are you teasing gay guys? They were born that way." [i]If so, fine, whatever, I don't care[/i], but the argument is putting people in that same category and I hate that. [quote](mdk2) If his first reaction after being rejected by women isn't to go hire a prostitute but instead to go fuck a guy he's very clearly gay.[/quote] Or third, or fourth, or whatever. My point is it doesn't matter. What somebody chooses to do with their cock is no more or less admirable than what you feel like you were born to do with your cock. [quote](mdk3) mdk you do know sexual attraction isn't really a conscious thing right? Like a guy can choose to fuck a guy but if he isn't attracted to him then why would he do it and I'm sorry but that doesn't really make him all that brave to me[/quote] Well it'd be brave in a certain social environment. Idunno, maybe Borris makes really good spaghetti sauce, and you could have it every night if you just get up in there? The broader point being, there's nothing special about doing what you feel like doing. NOTHING wrong with it, either, IMO. But the way this gets used..... well, full disclosure, I'm a Christian on the internet who frequents Reddit, so I get exposed to a [i]very particular[/i] sort of argument all the time. And the argument is, it's okay to be gay, because you were born that way. But it's not okay to be Christian, because you just picked that. That's the mentality I'm trying to attack in this point. [quote](mdk3 cont.) Wait are you trying to tell me I could have chosen to be white and never have to deal with this stupid racism condition what the fuck I didn't get that option on my select screen[/quote] Nope! And I'm also telling you that being black doesn't make you special, any more than being white makes me special. Conditions from birth are not admirable traits, they're just traits. If you were that guy born with no arms or legs, guess what? You're just a human. But if you were the guy born with no arms or legs [i]who wins collegiate wrestling belts and skydives,[/i] that's another story -- because of who he made himself, not because of his genetics. [quote](mdk4) It's not fatalistic-- it's just that you don't really have conscious control over it, that doesn't mean it's predetermined at all, fam.[/quote] Yeah we're agreed on that. I'm mocking the people genetics fatalistically.... I guess the same crowd that likes to -- well. I shouldn't say, or I'll start a whole other debate up. But the point is, these people exist and they're clueless dicks. [quote](mdk5) like what[/quote] Like "We'll burn you at the stake unless you stick it in a woman immediately." Granted -- that friggin' happened. But I don't for a second believe that gay people only exist in the world today because a certain gene was forcibly preserved under threat of death by the Catholic Church. Though, that would be [i]priceless[/i] if true.