[center][h1]Reginald Alexander Dorvain[/h1] [hider=Reggie pic 1][img]http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0kff5oPih1qcl31io1_500.gif[/img][/hider] [hider=Reggie pic 2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/wASswhS.png[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Age:[/b]21 Personality: Reginald, or Reggie as he likes to be called, is an amiable type that loves a good challenge and making friends. He is a bit clueless on a variety of things due to a bit of a sheltered upbringing, and can be paranoid at times, but he tries his best to do what's right. That being said, he's not above doing things he'd normally shy away from to ensure his survival in a situation. Background: Reggie's father was the CEO of one of the largest Weapon Manufacturing companies in the world, and was thus living a life of wealth and luxury. His father, Donovan, was a man of many peculiar tastes that he would force unto his son, including the ancient art of swordfighting. He was also taught by his father how to fire all manner of guns and all about a variety of modern weaponry, but Reggie never really took to it. He was more interested in technology, finding out how things worked rather then blasting them to bits with a hundreds pieces of hot lead. That being said, he did always enjoy firing off hand guns with his father, as it had made him feel like a cowboy in the wild west. So when his dad got him his DE for his birthday, he was very happy, though his father wasn't when he saw his son do nothing but take the thing apart and put it back together again instead of actually using it. While life wasn't perfect, it was good, but that didn't last long. A few months after that, his family's manor was attacked by mercenaries, who killed his entire family and lit the mansion on fire to destroy the evidence. The only reason he escaped was that he was away with friends at the time, having sneaked out the family sword to show off to a girl he had liked. Now the blade was all he had left of his family. It turned out that his father had been involved in an arms smuggling ring, but had tried to remove his company from it and give out info on it's activities to the authorities. To prevent that, the head of the ring sent his forces to take out the fly in the ointment and appointed a more malleable figure head to take his place. Reggie, having no idea where to go, or if he was going to be targeted or not, immediately went on the run. He's spent the last 2 and a half years wondering as a homeless man, having to deal with so many things he's never had to deal with before, like hunger, people trying to steal from him, people trying to kill him, etc. He's found himself in Mohs Town at the moment in his wonderings, enjoying a peaceful day until some asshole decided to fuck it up with a laser . . . wait, what? Other: -Very intelligent and interested in all types technology -Has some self-defense knowledge -He's skilled in swordfighting and is a good shot with his DE. -Owns a fancy, yet practical long sword and the needed supplies to keep it in good condition. It's an heirloom passed down through his family for generations and very precious to him. -Owns an engraved desert eagle that fire .50 AE rounds. It was a present from his late father for his 18th birthday, having his intials carved on the side of the barrel. [hider=His Stuff] [img]http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/MC-C-94S.png[/img] [img]http://killingdoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2012-01-27_00013.jpg[/img] [/hider]