New. She was used to new. Just another place not to call home. Another place the Shadows would twist and turn, pulling her away from any light that wanted her. She pulled at her skirt uncomfortably. When was the last time she wore a skirt? With the family that made her dress up for dinner. It sounds right. They were nit picky. Living a rich lifestyle they couldn't afford. She hated them. The family or the skirt? Both. It was constricting to her and wouldn't help if she needed to run. Running, always on her mind. Always looking to escape. 'Breathe.' She thought to herself, closing her eyes and focusing on the rhythm of the limosuine that was driving her to the school. New home. New school. New people to surround herself with. "No." She muttered, gripping the hem of her skirt. She knew to just keep everyone away. Go throught he motions, get through at least a year before breaking down. "Almost there." The drive added two more words to the count of her two hands. He said nothing else and didn't seem to expect any sort of response. She turned her head, staring out of the tinted window. It was a marvelous sight, different from any place she had experienced. 'Could it be home?" She thought to herself, shaking her head softly knowing that home did not exist. As the Shadows moved underneath her feet, the car came to an abrupt stop. Her hand pushed up against the seat in front of her before her face could. The engine idled, and she looked through the dashboard, he eyes focusing on the building that seemed to have printed out from the pamphlet that sent her here. "Here we go," she spoke through grinding teeth, pushing open her door and stepping out onto the stone floor. It was a building out of a book. It looked historical, important - it terrified her, but she wouldn't show it. 'Russia. Russia.' She thought to herself, grabbing her lone grey backpack. She needed facts, things that didn't matter to keep her in control. No panic attacks, not here. "Offical name is the Russian Federation," she mumbled to herself, slinging the bag over her shoulder. "Capital is Moscow... its land area makes it the largest country in the world." She started at the individuals walking throught the looming gates. So much chatter, it was irritating. "It has 9 different time zones. It's larger than Pluto?" She pondered the information, shrugging the bag back over as it started to slump down her arm. "It has a doomsday device that overrides all protocols to launch a nuclear arsenal." She probably spoke louder than she wanted, but at that moment she didn't care. She stood between the gate doors, staring at the tall building as people brushed past her - annoyed she was holding up traffic. Her eyebrows stitched together in frustration, and her glare met the eyes of another girl who bumped past. She frowned, scuttling away quickly. "Good riddance," she muttered, turning back toward the victorian styled creation before her. 'I can make this work.' She though, stepping forward, knowing the Shadows were right on her heel. Survival. That's all it is. "Easier said than done."