It would seem Dragons would be on the defensive. Though they intended to change that. One thing they all knew was a new member was a weak link in a team. They had learned that first hand when Luta joined the team. For a while they couldn't win anything, or barely won. So what they were all thinking was simple. Go after the weak link first. Though they knew better than to forget about the other two after all Bolin and Mako had more experiance then the three of them combined. Jess stepped back slightly to allow Luta to redirect the water Sakura had intended to hit her with into the fire that was headed toward Dmetric. Effectively eliminating the threat. The water bender then shot s blast of water toward Mako. At the same time Dmetric targeted Sakura and Jess shot a disc at the one headed toward her. She then shot a disc toward Sakura. Two on one wasn't very fair but she had skilled teammates odds are one or both of the attacks would be blocked.