Name: Dorian Grey (Damian Gray among mundies.) Nickname: Grey Race: Humanoid Fable Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Job: Purveyor of the Finer Things in life. (IE. Rich Hedonistic Playboy with no 'real job', and a vast fortune to support partying. However occasionally he acts as the Curator of his Museum's Art Gallery.) Personality: Dorian Grey is happy and thoughtless young man; also known as a brainless beauty. Though despite that he is cultured young man. And while he is thoughtless, it does not mean that his mind is dull. On occasion he can be rather clever. However he sees no point in trying to improve his cleverness, when he can pursue tangible Earthly things and rely on his inherent beauty to get what he desires. Dorian is driven solely by his own desires. In his constant search for sensual pleasures to tickle his fancy, Dorian will use any means to stop those who prove a threat to his amusement. In short, Dorian Grey appears to be a charming individual while he is in fact a cruel and selfish individual, who could be far worse if he had drives beyond obtaining pleasures. Fable: Once upon a time there was a rather beautiful boy who served as a muse for a talented artist Basil Hallward. The boy, Dorian Grey posed for several self-portraits for Basil. One day, when Basil finished the first self portrait of Dorian, he was approached by his dear friend Lord Henry Wotton. Basil knowing the type of man Wotton is, did not want to introduce his muse to him. But reluctantly he introduced Dorian to Lord Wotton. Basil was not happy with his portrait, as he felt he revealed too much of his own feelings within it. Lord Wotton, disagreed and felt the painting was Basil's Magnum Opus, due to his own thoughts on the pursuit of pleasure and the celebration of youth. In that vain, Lord Wotton gave a speech to Dorian Grey lamenting how youth and beauty will fade. This struck a chord with the young Dorian, who viewed his youth and beauty as his most admirable traits. It was to that end he swore that he would trade his own soul, to maintain his youth and beauty as if he was the painting, while the painting grew old and ghastly. At the time, the young ward did not realize that his wish was granted. Over time, the relationship between Lord Wotton and the young Dorian grew, and Dorian chose to live his life according to Wotton's philosophy of 'New Hedonism'. Dorian pledged that he live for pleasure's sake and pleasure's sake alone. Dorian found himself charmed by a young actress, Sibyl in the slums of London. While Sibyl's brother tried to dissuade her from the path of pursuing a romance with Dorian, she began to fall in love with him and confessed that she truly felt love for him. Dorian, however only loved her for her [i]ability[/i] of acting and cut the relationship shortly after. Sibyl committed suicide and Dorian- upon the behest of Lord Wotton, viewed the matter as an artistic experience. Sibyl represented tragedy that Dorian would no longer need to go through. It was from these series of events, he noticed a change in the self-portrait. Dorian knew his wish to remain young and beautiful forever was granted, and hid the portrait so only he could see its transformation. He soon threw away conventional morality of the day and now fully devoted himself to pleasure. Eighteen years then passed from this declaration and pursuit of his pleasures. All the while Dorian’s reputation suffered in circles of polite London society, where rumors spread regarding his scandalous exploits. The artist, Basil Hallward met Dorian Grey once more during a dark and foggy night. He felt that he had to seek the truth, to see whether or not the rumors spread through society were correct regarding the scandals surrounding Grey. After an argument between the two, Dorian eventually decided to show Basil what had become of the painting he made all those years ago. He showed Basil the now-hideous portrait, and Hallward, horrified, begs him to repent. Dorian quickly claimed it is too late for penance and kills Basil in a fit of rage. After the murder had been committed, Dorian contacted an estranged doctor companion to help him hide the body. Just after the night of the murder, Dorian went to an Opium Den where Sibyl's brother, James Vane tries to exact revenge for her sister's suicide. Dorian managed to escape to his country retreat, and in a scene of serendipitous fortune, James Vane was accidentally killed by a hunting party. Something soon clicked in Dorian's mind and he attempted to seek redemption for the hypocrisy and crimes he committed. Using the knife he killed Basil with he stabbed the painting. His servants, were said to find an old and wretched Dorian Grey next to the young picture which was seemingly unscathed. Of course, the end was just a fable. Dorian Grey did [i]not[/i] in fact truly seek redemption for his foul acts. After all, old habits died hard. He simply needed a way to avoid the continued scandals of London, and faking his own death was the best option. Dorian Grey traveled around throughout the years as a rich playboy, seeking to fuel his own sensual desires. Sadly, with the troubles of the Adversary, and the fact that he was spotted out as a Fable instead of just a ravishing young mundie, his Bohemian Lifestyle came to a close. Dorian had to move to Fabletown and keep a permanent lodging there. This event however, won't stop Dorian Grey from getting his desires filled. Abilities: Painting Phylactery: Dorian Grey has endurance and regeneration powers BEYOND that of a normal Fable. This is due to the self portrait- which now down-right eldtritch- that is bound to him, due to the deal he made with his own soul. As long as the painting is kept safe, Dorian Grey cannot die and will regenerate from any wounds (though of course more destructive wounds are more painful to revive from and take quite a bit of time). Sinner's Heart: After many decades of incredibly lavish and hedonistic parties, mental and body effecting substances have lost their 'touch'. At the best, Mister Grey can get a minor buzz from these substances. Other: Dorian Grey has an intense cycle of defrauding insurance companies, by pulling out many life insurances on himself and giving it down a series of relatives (ie. him), in order to finance his own pleasures alongside mooching from richer benefactors. Mister Grey also has an incredibly vast collection of paintings, (personal and museum only pieces) many of them being down-right horrific paintings, with a large chunk being self-portraits.[/hider]