He folded his arms. "Well, from what I read, it was dying after the calm rolled in; I however could not find the details as to why or what aside from Forest spirits fading or something. It sounds a bit too supernatural for me. In short... I could not tell you. I mean... these were passages wrote years ago. Some details about the events were odd, and the writer never says his or her name... just events and the perspective. Like, it talked about how the Guado and Meister Seymour ordered the attack on the Al-Bhed fortress like structure called 'Home' and how there were monsters... The Religious extremist are a bit... nuts." He chuckled. "There was another passage about how Seymour killed a great many of the Ronso... Basically dark history. To the basic consul betrayals of Bevelle. To even the unsent being part of the council... Which would scare anyone. All I can say is the passages were interesting, but I wonder who this swimmer was. This person was brave and deserves respect. As do the locals of the village seeing as most listed in this book I read live here." He pondered who the person was. "But... most of my knoledge is restricted to this book. Yevon is not as peaceful as people would like to admit.. But... There are still worshipers." He said flatly as he placed a hand under his chin; looking down with such a look that made him question if he was truly safe with such a group around him in earshot. "Perhaps a change of topic while we wait on the food...?" He turned back to Bohdon. He was truly enjoying his company.