Name: Xavier Palato Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon/musical talent of choice: Saxophone What Magic can be casted with this weapon/instrument: The louder the saxophone is played, and how high affects its magic. Lower notes make the earth around them shake, while higher notes can cause small but fierce swirling winds. Bio: Xavier likes knowing what people think, how they work, how they react to things. Being socially aware basically, to counteract his paranoia of everyone actually disliking him. He’s gotten very good at analyzing situations, and normally knows exactly what to say but never says it if he’s in a group, preferring to see how the situation plays out, even if it turns out horribly. Because he thinks so logically, he doesn’t quite comprehend emotions, so life is all a great big act for him. That’s why, when faced with extreme emotions, he’ll mostly just back out, being unable to deal with such an unpredictable situation that could swing either way with a huge amount of just luck. Appearance: [img][/img]