[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6h96Cku.png[/img][/center] [b]Vienna, Austria[/b] Night fell over the city of Vienna, but nothing was quiet. The city was bustling with activity, lighting up the night sky. One part of the city that was still was the sky - cloudless, serene, untouched by the crowds below. Director Cordia Tsao relished her time spent in the sky as her private jet took her into the local airport. The jet was as large as some people's homes, but Cordia was alone in the passenger section, the pilot and attendant banished to the cockpit. The old woman swirled a glass of whiskey around in her glass as she looked out at the sky. Cordia had left the peace talks early, confident that Dominus had protected their reputation as an important supporting role in international politics. After a social event, Cordia often felt the need to recharge on her own - considering she had so many places to be, it often ended up being on her jet. The Director was known for being a socialite, but she gained the most from being alone with her thoughts. And what thoughts they were, tonight. The peace talks were pushing all nations away from each other, inciting resentfulness yet ending bloodshed. A cold war threatened to engulf the world. If the Director played her cards right, she could help the world survive it. "Touching down in Vienna in ten minutes," the pilot announced over the loudspeaker. "Please fasten your seat belt and secure all belongings, Madam Director." Cordia did as what was requested of her, and her jet touched down with little difficulty. From there, a car took her to an unassuming office building in downtown Vienna - the name on the building read [i]Die Hinkel Gebäude[/i], but in reality it was the base of operations for Dominus in Europe and Africa. Cordia rented the building from the local government. The general consensus was that if you weren't aware that the building was Dominus' HQ, you were not worthy of visiting it. Cordia entered, greeted by her personal bodyguard, Eve Anderson. "Enjoy your meeting with the big wigs, ma'am?" the burly woman asked as she opened the door for her boss. Eve was wearing a pantsuit, but it was clear she had considerable muscle underneath. She had been a professional MMA fighter in America, and Cordia had always had a guilty pleasure in watching women's fights, and Eve had been her favorite. After her fifth consecutive win, Cordia approached her with a new line of work. One that payed considerably more. Eve had been a loyal employee, and one of Cordia's closest companions, since. "Yes, Eve, and hello to you too," the Director walked into the building's lobby, which was like an entirely different world from the busy streets of Vienna. The inside of Dominus' HQ was pristine, the floors, furniture, and most everything else a neat white color. A pleasant, classical tune played in the background, and the employees carried about their work softly. "I still don't understand why you didn't want me to come, ma'am," Eve said as she trailed behind the Director, hands on her hips. "You were in a room with some of the most ruthless sons of bitches in the world. A lot of them you've personally wronged. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what could go wrong." Cordia smiled to herself as she waited for the elevator. "Besides the fact that Dominus provided security for the event?" Cordia asked playfully, then continued. "I never feel unsafe in the company of the elite, Eve. First of all, none of them would have the balls to harm me personally. Second, most of them wouldn't want to. Our clients need Dominus, just as we need them." When the elevator arrived, Cordia stepped in. Instinctively, Eve checked her surroundings before joining her. "I bet a lot of them are still reeling from the last time Dominus planted a bomb in one of their government buildings," Eve said, half to herself, "or the last time Dominus stole the plans of their latest military tech." Director Tsao nodded at Eve's words, but not in concession. "I'm sure they are, of course they would be. But world leaders don't get to the top by chance. Even the monarchs and fascists have to fight for their power. And they all know the reality of the world. When I said they needed Dominus, I wasn't exaggerating. Dominus exists as an alternative to outright warfare. No matter what it takes, we actually serve the peace. Never forget that. While it is true a poorly timed assassination can cause a war -- a well timed assassination can prevent one. That is our mission, Eve. To always be well timed." The elevator opened in front of the women to the executive floor. Cordia gestured in front of her. "After you, I insist."