[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hyouka/images/b/bb/Eru.png/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/48/window-width/240/window-height/120?cb=20140726100414&path-prefix=es[/img] [h1]Tomohina[/h1][/center] Too much. There was just too much. Everyone talking and shouting and the sounds of the powers and all of it bouncing off trees- She had to distance herself. She couldn't handle this for much longer. It was just too much. Oblivious to the fact that someone had been trying to talk to her, she stayed perfectly still, eyes closed trying to bear the chaos of sound. Growing pale, she stumbled back and turned walking hastily away from the fire pit as well as the group. She'd be able to better hear them and focus at a greater distance. She just couldn't take being so close to people. She had even been all the close to her own family. This many people was just overwhelming. The petite Japanese girl folded her white cane up once she was at a good distance. Stripping off her shoes, she cradled them in the crook of her arm, walking to the place behind the girls' cabin. Setting her things there, she listened closely to what was going on at the firepit. It was no longer so intense and she had an easier time telling which sound wave belonged to who and what. Ivy had been preforming for everyone, to which end her brother had to help reign her back in. A new girl, Phoebe, had joined the group, but the one called Raven had fainted and thus taken up most of the attention in the group, leaving the new girl dancing in the wind. Something about feathers. Ah, yes, the one called Solis who had spoken to her in odd overly long and rambling sentences. Perhaps he was nervous and skittish much like the kind whom he shared wings with? Of course there were others too. The small oddly proportioned one who was the boy in the dress; a friend of Ivy's brother. So rowdy... Like they were all fighting for a light light shot in a movie... Or maybe that was just her introverted personality getting exhausted by all the energy the group had. No wonder it had been a chaotic smashing of sound wave after sound wave. With a small tilt of her head, she continued to keep an 'eye' on the group, but did not engage. Whistling, she tried throwing the sound waves, manipulating them to change direction, frequency, anything that might help her practice control as she observed the others from a grand and comfortable distance. It didn't work as well as things like voices.