[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/tasogare-otome/images/7/7e/Manga_ch04_title_page.jpg/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/105/window-width/728/window-height/364?cb=20110929080932[/img][h1]Hermessent/Hermonia[/h1][/center] Hermonia grinned at May, but said nothing more. Instead once the bus had stopped, she pleasantly followed the flow of girls. They all had brought so much with them. Tilting her head to the side, her eyes narrowed slightly, their dark depths flickering red before turning back to regular black. From the bus she grabbed a bag which she slung over one of her shoulders. She looked elegant and even fashionable in the bright pink uniform, though red or black would of surely suited her tastes far more. Following the group, she enter the complex and looked about in disinterest. Umiko-Urita-no, Uriko, had summoned the boys to come and greet them, but no sooner than she meet face to face with one of the boy than the little loud mouth turned tail and ran off. Coward. This overly good looking boy was nothing. The one that stood behind him, examining the options it seemed, was unnaturally good looking too. With black hair. This stunk of the abnormal. But just how abnormal was the question. Following Bessie's exampled she tilted her head back almost a bit haughtily, brushed her long black hair over one shoulder and went to claim her sleeping quarters. Choosing the third room, she threw her bag onto the bed with quiet a lack of interest. The room was too orderly. She didn't like it. Snapping a finger, a small air pressure flew through her room. It was weak, but a good wind did wonders in whipping things about, unsettling sheets and tipping the mirror on its axis. A little stress relief, that was all it was. And it wasn't near enough. But there was work to be done. With a small demure smile, she picked up her notebook, a pen and a ruler. By passing the girl's common room, she head straight to the co-ed common room, every step overly graceful and fluid, as if the air passed beneath her feet. Urita, or whatever her name was, had dragged one of the poor boys into her clutches, but quiet little Bessie remained a curious observer. Standing by the quiet girl's side, Hermonia watched on too, her stance perfectly straight and her face a beautiful mask of elegant beauty. Her poise was remarkable, but her thoughts were dark and those lovely lashed black eyes of hers flickered red for a moment. [center]_________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/shinsengumi/images/a/a1/Saito_hajime.jpg/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/64/window-width/272/window-height/136?cb=20121001151914&path-prefix=es[/img][h1]Drienuhn/Darien[/h1][/center] Drienuhn was unimpressed by the man creature who had silenced the Tale-Teller. To say he was annoyed would be too exaggerated. More like irritated. Peeved. He was not one to show much emotion, but he also did not like people looking down on him. Standing, he rubbed the back of his neck as Taelor and Ruomahl made a fuss about the female who had shouted out orders. Entering the co-ed common room, he merely stood with his pockets in his uniform slacks, the slight slouch to his posture looking more like a magazine model's pose than a real stance. With narrow dark eyes, he looked at the girl with the long black hair, standing by the girl who was sitting. That girl... There was something not very 'mundane' about her. Perhaps it was the cold look in her eyes. Whatever it was, it kept it to himself. It was none of his business. He didn't care as long as it didn't effect him. One of the human girls, the shocking loud one, claimed his brother and even he couldn't hold back a small smirk. He almost pitied Roumahl. That human was surely the over energetic and nagging type. An hour with her and ones ears would surely start to bleed from such loudness. Father would of loved her. His long dark hair fell over his shoulder as he moved. Quietly he sat in one of the chairs and rested quiet casually, with his chin in his palm. His eyes slowly ran over the quiet girl. This one was far more his kind of girl. Quiet. He continued to watched her till a small slow smile crept across his face.