Lila was crying when she suddenly felt herself being violently pushed aside. '[i]What the hell?![/i]' she thought angrily. "Move Dammit!" she heard Hunter shout at her before he began kicking Adelisa's closed door. It shook, but didn't bulge open. "What the hell are you doing, you creep?! How did you even get in here?!" Lila shouted back at him, getting up from the floor and trying her hardest to avoid gouging his eyes out. How dare he put a hand on her, much less shove her! Hunter simply kicked the door again, but apparently he'd lost all his energy because he keeled over with heavy breathing. He choked out, "Someone open the damn door!" before he started coughing again, turning his voice moved to a quiet mumble. "Please open the door..." Then Jareth walked in, and Lila had just opened her mouth to whine to her boyfriend about how Hunter had pushed him when he said: "Seriously, dude, that is not going to help. Everyone needs to quiet down, please. And you need to go talk to the woman you gave your heart to. She's in pain too, and that is totally your fault. Maybe you should try telling her the truth for once." Lila could tell Jar was angry: the way he was so sharp reminded her of when he lost his temper during the fights they'd used to have. It was truly intimidating to hear him like that. "If you guys can just give me a few minutes alone with her, I can try to help her. Just, go be with Amelia." It seemed Hunter got the unsaid message about Jar's temper, because he quieted down. Lila did so too, then looked at Jar with a questioning look. He nodded at her. "You can trust me with this. And Grant, I don't think she'll want you in the room, not right away." With that, Jar sat down on the floor and slid his right hand under the door. Then Amelia arrived. Without looking around at anyone, she just stepped around Hunter and Jareth and softly knocked on the door. She put her ear up to the door and softly spoke, "Dela, unlock the door, okay? I'm going to come in. Just me. Okay? Please, Dela. I know you're hurting. I know you're scared. Remember what we promised? Remember we promised each other that through thick and thin we would always be there. Deal, I can't keep my promise unless you open the door. I won't let anyone else in. Just please, listen to my voice Dela. Listen to me, please." Now that Amelia was in the room, Lila couldn't bear to have her hurting more because of Hunter's presence. She grabbed Hunter by his good arm and forcefully drove him out into the hall. "Come on, you little [i]shit[/i]," Though he maybe had more strength than her, the combination of her anger with his pain made it easy enough for her to do this. Once there, she slapped him hard, her brown eyes dark with rage. "NEVER put a hand on me again, Hunter, or I swear to you I'll give you another story to tell about why you're in the hospital again. Do you understand me? Or do I need to give you a couple of more slaps?" She walked back to the suite and stood at the door, as if keeping guard.