Voira's looked at Raa wearily as she made clear her position on the 'take the safe route and some people we don't even know die or take the dangerous route to save some strangers' decision. But she didn't protest against it, simply shrugging and adding her own two cents. "We agree with Raa." She didn't like it, but she knew there wasn't any way she was getting Raa to go along with the sensible plan. Especially not now. Her eyes watched the Turian diplomat carefully. She didn't care if he was in an argument with RK, the AI had a tendency to piss off most people she could talk to, but Voira had seen how some people consider Raa just another version of the AI and got angry with the Quarian. If the diplomat was like that, things would get very bad, very quickly. Fortunately for all involved, the diplomat was sent away before he could. As the Geth went against the idea, Voira spoke up again. "We have to agree with Avatar. Splitting our forces is a bad idea. We could, and gladly would, kill as many possible with the forces we have. But if you and the diplomats meet resistance, you'll be outgunned and when we get to the hanger, we'll be outgunned. Especially since I'm protecting the Geth." She stared pointedly at Raa. "We don't like this. But you won't accept anything else, so we're doing it, reluctantly. Stay out of danger or we will abandon him." She glanced back at Avatar. "No offense. Do you have the details of where Raa can upload her virus to make things a bit easier on us? We'd rather not have their reinforcements be breathing down our necks the instant we walk into the hangar."