Nickolaus contemplated remaining where he was, perhaps she would... no, he had no real reason to hide, he could observe her either way. So, he stepped out from the his haven of shadow and straight up to her. He quickly looked the girl up and down, then noticed her Kris in the tree, "My apologies, I did not realize your senses were quite so keen that o would be discovered." He then approached the tree and, rather casually, removed the Kris from the trunk. He turned it around in his hand, examining its wavelike blade. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary or remarkable about it he handed it back to her, holding the so she could take it by the hilt. "As I don't believe we have met, allow me to introduce myself. Nickolaus Schulze, and you are?" Time to see if she possessed knowledge of hid family, the more he knew about the hunter the better.