[b][color=C71585]Lady Violetta smiled and only hoped that everyone was there for she lost track of everyone. She did see Thomas who she would need to see and have a meeting with before she retires for the night. It was getting way too fast for her liking but she must adjust to her new life style one way or another. "Listen up, Students. You may eat while I do this lecture. This is the last lecture of the day. There is a Bulletin Board in the first room where you came in at. Please check this bulletin board frequently. You may ask questions at the end of the lecture." Lady Violetta spoke as she walked down one side of the long dining room table. I will give you a poll later and you may vote on it after the lecture. When we are finished here, you may take turns reading the bulletin board. One thing that you will find on it is the day of the week. Another thing is upcoming events. Now for the lecture. You are at this moment a newbie. When we start classes, you will automatically be a Level 1 Student. The same will go for each of the 5 levels of lessons here at Caldwell’s. You will be either a Traditional or Draconic Student which is abbreviated TS or DS. Perhaps one or two of you will be taking both Traditional and Draconic Classes. You would be considered an Over Achiever or OAS. This is the how your name tags will be printed. Most of you will have either TS or DS after your name and Level 1. Each summer there will be a camping course that is devoted to an area of expertise. Each summer will be a bit different and yet the same. The areas of Expertise will are: Water, Earth, Ores and Minerals, Fire, Air. I do not know anything about the camps since I have not done any summer camps. You will have a different teacher for those camps. Once you have completed all of the 5 levels of and have achieved at least Level 4 Citizenship, you may test out. There is a Testing and Exiting point that you will pass through. You will need to use your wits and knowledge that you have acquired in the various classes to pass through the Testing and Exiting point. [HIDER=Citizenship Levels and Possible Careers to choose from in the future:] Here are the Citizenship Levels and Possible Careers that I have come up with so far. If you have another one, please see me with your idea. 1) Basic Citizenship- Level 3 completion + 5 Independent Study Credits 2) Store Owner- Level 3 completion + 7 Independent Study Credits 3) Sanctuary Mayor- Level 3 completion + 10 Independent Study Credits 4) Archives Specialist- Level 4 completion + 15 Independent Study Credits + Thought Transference Mastery 5) Exploration Team- Level 5 completion + New Technology + Wild Life Cooking Mastery + Galaxy Mastery + Elemental Manipulation + Thought Transference Mastery A) Runner –Level 5 + 10 Independent Study Credits B) Crew- Level 5 + 15 Independent Study Credits C) Cook- Level 5 + 15 Independent Study Credits + Wild Life Cooking Mastery D) Medic- Level 5 + 20 Independent Study Credits + All Plantology + Wild Life Cooking Mastery E) 2nd mate- Level 5 + 20 Independent Study Credits + Galaxy Mastery + Wild Life Cooking Mastery F) 1st mate- Level 5 + 25 Independent Study Credits + Galaxy Mastery + Wild Life Cooking Mastery + Elemental Manipulation G) Cartographer- Level 5 + 25 Independent Study Credits + New Technology Mastery+ Thought Transference Mastery H) Navigator- Level 5 + 25 Independent Study Credits + Galaxy Mastery + Wild Life Cooking Mastery + New TechnologyMastery + Weather Mastery I) Captain- Level 5 + 50 Independent Study Credits + Elemental Manipulation + Galaxy Mastery + Wild Life Cooking Mastery + New Technology + Weather Mastery + Thought Transference Mastery [/HIDER] [HIDER=Archives Specialist- one who records events that happen in this world.] Exploration Team- These people will have the opportunity to explore the world. Crew- This is the lowest positon on the Sailing Ship. You will do as the Captain says. Runner- This person will do errands for the Captain. Medic- This person will be responsible for the health of the crew as well as doing any First Aide. Surdery may be needed and this person will have to figure out what is the best for the patient. Cook- Will prepare food that is on hand so that it nourishing and tasty. 2nd Mate- This person responsibilities will include keeping the ship running in top condition, clean and schedule all tasks for those who are on board. He or she will be the one who the others will ask questions and complain to if there is a problem. He or she will see that there is plenty of drinking water and food onboard. 1st Mate- This person will be responsible for all of the above and will take the place of the Captain when the captain needs a rest. More responsibilities can be added as the Captain desires. Navigator- This person knows the Galaxy well enough to not only chart the moons, suns and stars by memory but also can guide people by the moons, suns and stars. He assists the Explorer and the Cartographer as needed. Captain- He oversees all of the crew, navigates and make final decisions. Think of him as the owner of a company. He will need to know as much information as he can get. Explorer- This person will work with the Navigator and Cartographer. He will do the actual exploring in the air or on land by whatever means is deem fit. He will need to document what he finds and send examples back to the Home Lab. Cartographer- This person will chart the world. He or she will work closely with the Navigator and Explorer. Spell Caster- a person who has a wide variety of spells at his or her disposal and is able to make new ones. Head of your own Country [/HIDER] To achieve the Extra Credits, you will need to have Extra Credits Courses for various Careers. Some of them I will instruct while others will be done by Auto Robots in the Independent Study Labs. Thomas might come up with a few as well. These courses are designed so that we have an activity for relaxation time and a useful skill that we may use in the future. Few will be required for a degree. Try to select your degree early so you can plan what kind of subjects that you will need. [HIDER=Level 1 Independent Study Courses] Here are the ones that I have come up with for this semester. 1) Archaic Language- Learn a new language that is not used any longer or make one of your own. All Students must find a secret way of their own to write their Spells in a Grimoire. You will need to know this Language by Level 3. You will need to know it inside and out before then. Auto Robots will teach this class. 5 credits for a language or if you make up one- 10 credits. NOTE: Excellent class for someone who wants to be an Archives Specialist or a Spell Caster. 2) Auras-Lady Violetta will tell you about the Aura around your body. One day class. 1 credit 3) Basketry- Learn how to make a basket which you can use. Lady Violetta will lead this class. 2 credits. Will be applied to Survival Skills. 4) Calligraphy 1 –Learn how to write elegantly. Auto Robots will teach this class. 3 credits. NOTE: Excellent class for someone who wants to be an Archives Specialist or a Spell Caster. 5) Musical Instrument 1-Learn how to play one instrument of your choice. Auto Robots will teach this class. 3 credits [/HIDER] If anyone has any questions, please ask. I will be posting the rules of the Academy there tonight." Lady Violetta finished her lecture. [/color][/b]