Yukoshi and Sakura Quadrangle confrontation Yukoshi, Friend or Foe!? Yukoshi knelt down and with her impressive lower body strength she leapt into the air landing elegantly in front of Sakura. A little unlady like thanks to the breeze blowing her skirt and showing her blue bra and panties, but she ignored it. Standing up she flipped her long pink hair and sighed; more than annoyed with this knuckle head of a man. [i]'All bronze no brain I suppose.'[/i] Yukoshi thought while Slowly opening her eyes. "Oy!.....you gonna just stand their and beg? If your done I'll attack now." So calmly the words left her mouth as if she wasn't about to go blow for blow with this man; as if one of them weren't going to be badly injured. [i]'If he thinks for one second he's going to calm Sakura'Chan down before I see her collect another body with her sword or amazing reaper he's surly wrong!' [/i] Biting into her wrist she drained some blood, the crimson liquid colored her palm and dripped onto the concrete steaming like lava. Extending her bloodied hand she swiped it to the side; blood floated above her chest bubbling and letting out black steam. "Form! Tashi!" Yukoshi screamed, immediately her blood began to shape a long thin line sharpening at the tip. A handle grew out the other end and in the blink of eye she snatched the sword out the air. Yukoshi's wrist emanated a green color; her flesh binding together like crossed fingers until it finally healed. Satisfied she snickered and swung her blade up cutting the air so sharp you could hear it. [b]'SWOOSH!' [/b] "Cute but dumb, you should have listened to Sakura's warning." With both her arms behind her she ran with cat like speed; mid stride her right foot caught the ground and she chuckled menacingly. With that same leg she propelled herself head first into the sky. "I on the other hand, shall not be so lenient!." She could feel the sun beams on her flesh, the breeze blowing through her hair and tickling her ears. "As they say what goe's up must come down!." Yukoshi's legs bent at the knee, her blue undergarments showing themselves so disgracefully. Some would say a lucky day to be outside, but as she positioned her Tashi in her hand her intentions were clear. Upset Sakura enough to snap, or kill the fool who annoyed her. Either way the blood of imbeciles needed to paint these streets of Neo Tokyo; it mattered not if it was by her hand or Sakura's. _____________________________________ Sakura, The Unruly Hero? Before she could even make a smart remark her only friend Yukoshi leapt into action; literally. [i]'There is no calming her once she's excited. Well I'm not just gonna let her take all the credit!' [/i]Once Yukoshi launched into the air Sakura giggled in amazement at her friends raw strength, right after Sakura bolted towards the male as well. [i]'He was right about something, their were to many innocent bystanders to use my gun.'[/i] Swiftly she placed her gun down; knowing that even if someone where to pick it up unless they had her finger they couldn't use it. As Yukoshi's shadow consumed the man with the tooled weapon, Sakura dropped on one leg and swung her other leg at his feet in aims to trip him. "Gotcha!"