[hider=Native people of Jurucatia] The Juruca's are an intelligent alien species native to plant Jurucatia. Their culture resembles that of ancient Greece mixed with a hippy flare. Their knowledge of technology is as advanced as the human race, but much more eco-friendly,agricultural, art, and spirituality centered. Humans and Juruca can have intimate relations, but offspring from these unions are genetically/biologically impossible. Golden sap moves through their veins instead of blood. They are typically more slender than the average human and about a head shorter. All Juruca have luminescent cells in their skin, causing them to glow in the dark. Names - Juruca have no surnames, only a first name, and a title. Examples: Fisher Nana, Hunter Pippoola, Weaver Mio'Nur, Elder Kallumi, Kid Ayakoe. The title typically is whatever there job is or for children/elders/non-worker it is a descriptive word such as Elder, smelly, Kid, Mama, grumpy, old, young, or wise. [hider=Appearance] Here is just a few Pictures of what they look like. (if you want to play a Jurucatian character and are having a hard time finding a pic or do not want to write a description, feel free to take one of these pics) [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/58/01/82/5801827cd36979ae1e6eaea8804be0d6.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/19/5e/b4/195eb4a44b736f4a3f2c4368c549501b.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/r24kHWc.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kcpkWua.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://cs315723.vk.me/v315723008/71a9/RnwZGjDMSoc.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/10/3d/d1/103dd13937b56e8b067d4ed3fd9133bf.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/fe/70/abfe70f01b06b1f64615ed13d7a2d5cb.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/x1XtEfA.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dd/7f/8a/dd7f8a6f4344d11276c5827ed3deca64.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VLLIKbb.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dp47mYO.jpg?1[/img] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Native Animals of Juructia] ---- Doken: Measuring no more than 2 feet at its standing height and weighing 115 pounds at its heaviest, the Doken is coated in a sleek but soft outer skin that changes pigmentation according to the temperature. When it feels threatened, the Doken produces a acid-like slime, that can cause a painful blistering rash to human skin. To its natural predators the slime can cause three degree acid-burns. Other then that the Doken are friendly, and playful animals. Many Jurucatia people keep Doken as pets. They are a lot like dogs. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/047/4/0/monster_no__008_by_onehundred_monsters-d39o5bm.jpg[/img] ---- Udamirus: Is one of the many aquatic creatures in the Juructia lakes. They are about the size of an earth lobster, and like lobsters they have a hard outer shell body. They are edible, once you crack them open. There claws on the end, can cut your finger off with one pinch. ---- There meat taste like a shrimp mixed with horseradish. [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/043/2/6/monster_no__004_by_onehundred_monsters-d39d4l9.jpg[/img] ---- Bellapia: They are the equivalent of an earth cow/buffalo, and can grow to be about the size of a elephant. The female Bellapia does not have horns. ---- There meat taste like lemony salmon. [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/048/6/b/monster_no__009_by_onehundred_monsters-d39qodq.jpg[/img] ---- Crondee: They can grow to be about 20 inches tall, and are very fast runners. They are asexual, and can live to be over 100 years old. The sack on there chest grows bigger and bigger until the Crondee can not walk any more, they then fertilize the eggs inside of it, and leave the sack behind to hatch a month later. The hundreds of tiny babies then eat one another until there is only a dozen or so left, and they are strong enough to go off on there own. After being born it takes about 5 years for the Crondee to be fully grown and start growing its own sack of eggs. ---- The orange sack carries hundreds of caviar jelly like eggs. The eggs are considered a delicacy, and are about the size of a golf ball, they taste like a strange mix of onion, bell peppers, and really salty cheese. [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/102/f/4/monster_no__063_by_onehundred_monsters-d3dugqs.jpg[/img] ---- Venersha: Are a carnivorous pack animal. They are not friendly and are a full on predators. Fast, extremely strong, and deadly. They are hunted for their bones, tough hide, and claws. Their bones are as strong a steel, and the claws are prized for there beauty, like Ivory. There hide is strong, and fire proof so Jurucatia people use it for many things. ---- Their meat is edible, but not very palatable to most humans, as it smells ammonia, and taste like slimy rotten milk. Jurucatia people like it though, and is noramlly eatten for special occasions. [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/093/3/c/monster_no__054_by_onehundred_monsters-d3d5aqg.jpg[/img] ---- Froowhare: Razor sharp teeth used for eating smaller birds, fish, and rodents. Feathers are as soft as silk, and Froowhares are great a mimicking sounds other birds. There eggs are about the size of a baseball, and pink in color. The females lay up to 6 eggs a day. ---- The meat from this bird taste like fatty duck, and the eggs like chicken yolks. [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/091/b/3/bestiary_16_by_turtle_rn-d582qdp.jpg[/img] ----Jowi: Are excellent swimmers and divers, but also move quickly on land, even over rugged, mountainous terrain. They have a life span of approximately 25 to 30 years. It feeds on leaves, buds, shoots, and small branches it tears from trees, fruit, grasses, and aquatic plants. They are one of the most skittish and unintelligent animals on Jurucatia. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/047/a/2/thing_a_day_16_feb_by_wallasaurus-d4py6ww.jpg[/img] [/hider]