Demios was happy to find the new super rounds, but would save them for something big and hairy, something that would truely appriciate being ripped apart by these rounds. Or, rather, something she would truely appriciate. But, all hope of anything else was totally expunged when the entire place was lit up with a Flamer, burning anything that might help them with their investigation. However, before she could verbally rip into Rand for his foolish actions, Cultists sprang from nowhere and attacked them all. Luck, or some unforseen hand, was with Deimos, asn she was able to avoid both the ranged attacks, and then the physical attacks that came her way. Not one to sit idely by and get shot at, she had her armour calculate the ballistic trajectory of the shots fired in her direction - shots she managed to avoid because of her Enhanced Target Finder's capabilities - and then launch a salvo of Krak missiles in their direction. Hopefully, the charges would blow away any hopes of cover for the Cultsts, and maybe a few actual cultists as well. She then turned her attention to the cultist in front of her, and fired up the Assault Cannon, standard rounds. [hider=Traits Used] Heavy Weapon Mastery: Deimos loves heavy weapons, and prefers them over melee or smaller weaponry, so can utalize them to a much greater extent than normal, due to great skill. Grants Deimos the ability to fire on two targets, at half BS, or fire her Assault Cannon and Cylone Missile Launcher, both at half BS. Imperial Fist, Siege Mastery: Being a vetern of the Imperial Fists, Deimos knows exactly how to counter a dug-in enemy, or fortifications. Grants Deimos the ability to half cover bonuses on any enemy she targets. [/hider]