Name: Ailen Maeraddyth Race: Zyxoth (Elf) Zyxoths hail from the planet Zesneon and would look like most typical elves. Long pointy ears and usually long hair and live a bit longer then humans ,but they are not immortal. They do age and they do die. A typical Zyxoth lives for about 200 to 250 years old. Even more if they became a tour lead and bonded with a large black crystal. They stand about from 7 to 8 feet tall and most aren't built to be very physique although there is a rare few who do build up their body. They tend to weigh around the same as a average healthy human being. There is not much unique to them only that they have a more clear and openned mentality making powers involving the mind much more clearer and less prone to madness. Not saying that there isnt a single Zyxoth who has not gone mad from using crystals. Infact Zyxoths being more attuned to psychic chanels makes them more easier to succumb to madness over long extents of use. They where rather giddy when the GNC came around. A corporation that actually utilizes mind power so to speak. Zyxoth's instantly accepted them with open arms enrolling their own into its infrastructer Age: 30 Gender: male Rank: T-1 Appearance: Ailen stands at a average hieght among his people at 7 feet 5 inches. He weighes at 180 pounds. He is quite muscular like most of his race but he is not built like a Brax'Na. He is built in a way that he could handle himself in a fight if he had to. His hair is long at the sides only tell it reaches his ears, that are 2 inches in length, It gets shorter and short as it reaches the back which is not normal among his people.He also possesses blue eyes almost like that of a sapphire.He has a cybernetic right arm. How he got it will be put into detail in the history part. Possessions: Only one, a locket with the face of his sister in it. His sister can be seen as a beautiful woman with long blonde hair. Other then that he wears a officers uniform when on duty. His armament consists of a side arm and a sword. His side arm is the average standard issue of most of the soldiers. He could have easily went with a rifle as well, but he liked to flex his abilities with a sword and his trusty sword. Off duty, all he has is his side arm and wears only the officer pants and a tank top often spotted carrying his officer jacket over his shoulder. Skills/Abilities: Telekenesis, Telepathy, Martial Arts, Marksmanship, Strategy, Swimming Personality: Straight Forward and speaks his mind. He enjoys interacting with others and is very well manered Crystal: Yellow, this was the crystal he was given when he became part of the military of the GTC. He has learned to bond with it quite well and takes it everywhere. Even when off duty. History: Ailen was 18 when allowed to join the GTC. He was quick and agile making him perfect for a soldier. His officals have high hopes for him that he would lead his own regiment some day. Once training was over he was stationed as a officer on the planet of Altenia. It had its ups and its downs for Ailen. One of those downs effected him a lot more then it should as it claimed his right arm in a short rebellion. Quickly put out by the military forces there. Long story short he managed to survive and inspired the men under his lead to wash out the rebels like they were a fire needed to be put out. However, he thought his military career was over but his higher up felt he was too valuable and with much convincing had him fixed up and given a cybernetic right arm. Being military issued it was actually pretty well built and did not look as ugly or pathetic as cheap built ones. Ailen still lives his life as a officer and wishes to expand his career into higher offices. However, his feelings for the GTC had changed during that fight, if he was any other average soldier he would have been retired and thrown to the outside world to rot. He felt like he was given so much more and that he had taken it for granted. Learning from this he decided to put his abilities to better use. While off duty he can be found helping out people and visiting children to boost up moral of some of the people he policed. He felt if he did so there would be less bloodshed in the future. If he had foreshadowing as a ability he would know that the fights has seen were small compared to what was going to come. [hider=Ailen's Crew and people of interests (contacts)] Corporal Bennet - Bennet is one of Ailen's men and very loyal to him. Engineer Henry - Responsible for building Ailen's arm [/hider]