[center][img]http://modeoflife.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/flag-of-the-monarchy00.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]The Hellenic Kingdom[/h2][/center] [b]Greek Government H.Q., Athens[/b] Arkhigos Nikolaos Michaloliakos sat with his Cabinet in his conference room, a concerned expression on his face. Wearied by jetlag from his journey home, and, before that, by the grief of the Emperor's funeral, his face seemed haggard and careworn. "What news of the civil war in Mexico?" he asked, raising his arm in a half-attempt to show enthusiasm. "The Fascists in the south of their lands have taken up arms against the Monarchists. Several of the other nations' embassies have been attacked and their staff murdered or taken hostage." replied the ambassador to Mexico, Petros Panagiotopoulos. He too seemed fatigued by his own flight back to Greece, part of the evacuation procedure initiated the previous day. "This puts us in rather an awkward position, then. We have what can only be described as a semi-fascist government, yet His Majesty rules as King over the Hellenes." sighed the Arkhigos. "Is there any way around this?" "Well, our embassy is in Mexico City, which is a Monarchist stronghold. So we must avoid provoking that side. On the other hand, we cannot exactly support the Monarchists against the Fascists, as this is against our ideology, and may put the lives of Greeks in the rebelling region at risk." "How are our people reacting?" "Not well." said the Interior Minister, from the other end of the table. "They have seen the atrocities committed by the Fascist forces, and begin to murmur against us. If we attempt a media cover-up, they will immediately resist and mass civil unrest is likely." "This is meaningless." said Michaloliakos dismissively. "They cannot topple me from power. Without me, ME, their Arkhigos and leader, the Megali idea can never be realised. The people of Greece will never depose ME." his voice rose, becoming almost hysterical. "I am their ruler and master. They are mine to rule, MINE I tell - " he stopped, sweat visible on his face. The Cabinet members were staring at him, concerned. He noticed a few knowing glances between some members - half flickers of the eye and subtly tilted heads. "I must go now." he said, rising unsteadily to his feet. "I am tired. Meeting adjourned." Turning sharply, he exited the room without another word. [hr] In a quiet corner of the room, two men met and spoke quietly together in muffled tones. One was Alexos Metaxa, a more liberal member of the Party. He had been accepted into the Cabinet due to his willingness to support the monarchy, as a former member of the refounded Union of Royalists that had been absorbed by Golden Dawn 20 years ago. The other was the ambassador to Mexico, Petros Panagiotopoulos. He had never been a true fascist, but had accepted Golden Dawn as government as a better alternative to the communist Syriza. "Is his Majesty is agreement?" whispered Metaxa. "Yes," responded Panagiotopoulos. "He also believes that the Arkhigos has become unstable." "So is the plan in motion?" "It will be done." [hider=To the Monarchists of Mexico] [i]From the Greek government, Greetings to the Monarchists of Mexico. The Hellenic government has elected not to announce which side of your Civil War we stand with. At least, announce publicly. We believe that the Monarchist government is a more moderate, tolerant government than the rebels you face. However, this situation puts Greece in a difficult position as I am sure you will understand. We would be grateful if you would provide safe conduct for Greek tourists in your country to your airports and harbours, so that they may return to home and safety. Thank you, Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs[/i] [/hider] [hider=To Ethiopia, Russia, Midwestern Commonwealth, USA, and SAU] [i]Greece agrees that an alliance between each of us will benefit all parties and strengthen those opposed to radical Islamic extremism. However, we would prefer to create a new and separate alliance, leaving the Orthodox Triple Entente intact as a pact only for Orthodox nations.[/i] [/hider] [hider=To the Holy See, GEC] [i]Greetings from the Orthodox Church of Greece. A personal message from his Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens. The thoughts and hearts of the Greek Orthodox people go out to the Catholics of the world. I will lead the Hellenic people in prayer for your Pope, notwithstanding our non-acceptance of his authority. We utterly abhor this cruel and terrible assault upon the holy city of Rome. We hope and pray for you. May God help you through this difficult time. His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens[/i] [/hider]