Jak enjoyed Pizza a lot but Lady Violetta not so much he was interested in some of the study courses but he was eating at the moment and it tasted better then the souls of the dead which tasted very sour and much like whisky and vodka mixed together. Jak sat eating while he had an old book in front of him that he had brought down that he was enjoying a Shakespeare play called Taming of the Shrew which he was reading as he ate though making sure to wipe his hands before touching his book. As he read he wondered if anyone was going to approach and try to talk with him, he quietly chuckled because he kind of suspected that people were too scared to approach him because they thought he was going to do something like steal their soul and why would he do that he didn't have any real purpose for it other than a reason for bragging rights among his brothers and sisters in hell that was silly if anyone thought that he was trying to adapt to their ways but he also didn't mind scaring people but not that much so he was saving most of his scares for a dance or something like that but he wasn't worried that anyone would bother him. Jak looked up from his book for a second to scan the room for people he talked to before but also partially to beckon Shermie who had the Necronomicon or was it someone else? Jak just wanted someone to talk to other than to read a book!