[color=95f7ff][h1] Jack of Aurious [/h1] [/color] ____ [color=95f7ff][i]He's not sticking around for dinner? You'd think a host would further entertain their guests...[/i][/color] Jack thought to himself, sitting at the Aurios table with his Spearow, Garuda, and his Chimchar, Vulcan. The trio had been peckish in regards to the food, stomachs churning still from so many different people in one room, and willing to kill him and his table in a heartbeat. Jack assumed there would be teams, but it didn't hit him until now. He had always been a lone wolf type, it was how he grew up, and he had no idea how to form a group...let alone lead one if he became leader. Though, with the idea of heading north first he assumed a seasoned veteran of Aurios territory would be a great choice. Many were known to die in just the fall of Aurious alone from inexperience, he would be crucial to survive. Or he could go it alone, following another group from a distance. That seemed like the best option thus far, seeing as people had already begun to group up. He could tail them all out of the city, assuming they took the Emperor's advice and headed north first to avoid the coming winter, and see which group stood the best chance and more open to him joining. Or, he could follow a group heading south, if one did so they would not fear the winter in the north and they would most likely be filled with people similar to himself. They would also be daring to go the road less traveled to complete their goal, something Jack assumed would need to be done in order to complete their task. [color=93ffc0]"Spearow!"[/color] Garuda said, nudging Jack with her head and directing him to the door. Either to the groups forming up there or ready to leave herself. [color=ff5a00]"Chimchar?"[/color] Vulcan titled his head, taking a bite of some bread on the table and looking from Jack to the door. [color=95f7ff]"We're going on a mission for the Emperor, Vulcan. What do you two think? Group up now or later?"[/color] Jack questioned, sipping his drink and scanning the crowd of grouping people. It'd be best to have someone in the group from each territory, would make traveling much easier. Jack decided it best to see the groups form up in the hall before making any more decisions, watching from the side to survey the scene and his available choices.