[hider=Character] [b]Name:[/b] Dana Lucille Ferris [b]Age:[/b] 17....most likely. [b]Year:[/b] 2nd Year...probably? [b]Nationality:[/b] French....maybe? [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1196/de4d6c1f9b50712b15056ca49417493d077e4af3.png?1246745[/img][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Eccentric and perverted to the point of being a parody, Dana is quite the strange character to behold. Loud and always getting into people’s business, it’s easy to say that she’s a First Year stuck in the body of a Second Year student. She tends to slack off and pull all nighters for the sake of her own enjoyment; miraculously, she does quite well in her grades overall, even keeping an above average. Yes indeed, Dana is nothing more than the goofball of the class or the one always trying to get into the other girl’s pants…well, most of the time. It’s rare, but there are moments when her obfuscating stupidity slips up to reveal something…far less pleasant. Gone is the school clown and in its place is a creature that seeks and craves turmoil and conflict simply for the sake of causing it. In essence, Dana is a liar and a good one at that. She’ll resort to underhanded tactics such as cheating too and even being a coward when saving her own skin. But she excels in fabricating stories and acting like the fool everyone wants her to be. Why she does this is tough to say for even her biography is questionable as either truth or falsehood. It’s difficult, if not downright impossible to gauge when she’s lying and when she’s saying something worth listening to since she’ll always smile and laugh it all up, even if she’s caught in the act. [b]Bio:[/b] Have fun trying to figure out where she came from or why she was sent and accepted into Nakkashiro Gakuen Academy. The only thing that is entirely known for sure is the fact that she is part French along with…some other things. Stories concerning her range from being the illegitimate child of an unhappy couple to living in Japan, moving to France, and then back to Japan again. Regardless of these antics, all she wants is to have a little fun in the end. Of course, one has to question if she truly understands the consequences of her actions…or if she’s just faking the whole lack of morality gig. [b]Other:[/b] Sometimes she thinks she’s either the daughter of the Devil or the world’s first vampire.[/hider]