[color=3d7213][h2]Tokyo Stock Exchange Ruins[/h2][/color] A dishevelled-looking man in a ruined three-piece suit cowered under a temporarily-secure area underneath a toppled girder. His safe zone creaked and groaned ominously, and it was likely that it would not be safe for long. Suddenly, a tattooed arm broke out from [i]under[/i] his hiding location, and grabbed hold of the man! Before he could react, both him and the arm disappeared! Just in time, the girder collapsed, rendering anything that [i]would[/i] have been in there destroyed! Outside, surrounded by a ring of firetrucks and ambulances, Kenji and the dishevelled-looking man reappeared. Moving with trained but careful determination, a team of paramedics brought the man over to a bright-blue tent, for support and medical care. Kenji dusted himself off, and attempted to regain his breath. Rescuing survivors was a nerve-wracking job, but someone had to do it. He always needed some time to work the ringing out of his ears after teleporting right into danger. The police radio near the refugee tent was placed caught Kenji's attention. [color=gray]"All special units to Bright Elementary School, we have confirmed reports of two armed terrorists, one with an automatic weapon and one with a large sword. The terrorist's current location is in the quandrangle, all units be aware that there is a civilian [i]in danger[/i] right now. Please report immediately!"[/color] [i]Terrorists shooting up a school?! First the stock exchange, and now this?! This shit would [b]not[/b] stand! I gotta get out of here and deal with this shitheads, but-- can I disobey Saejima's orders?[/i] Wringing his hands nervously, Kenji paced around the outside of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, looking for a brother who was not busy with the relief efforts. To his own relief, Kenji found Hachirou busy with a phone call. His voice tinged with agonizing anticipation, Kenji caught Hachirou's attention. [color=3d7213]"There's a bunch of fucking terrorists shooting up a school! We gotta get out there and take 'em down before they kill any kids! Listen, I need you to come with me and act as a character witness. If Saejima-san thinks I'm going off drinking on the job again, it'll be my [i]dick[/i] they cut off this time!"[/color]