"Ha! That's it! Surrender yourselves to the Red Wolf, heretics!" Rand said as he let loose a font of flame from his flamer as result of his overwatch, laughing wholeheartedly as the cultists rushed him and failed to connect, "May you suffer in it's maw!" With that, Rand would draw up his power sword, attempting to tear into the nearest cultists. Having trained many years, even unsuccessful blows were used to force his opponent into unavoidable situations where a following strike was sure to connect. Even so, he would do his best to position himself at the forefront of the battle, pushing back his enemies to allow for ranged retaliation from his battle brothers. [Center][hider=Used Skills] Glory of the Brawl Having engaged your fellow brothers in multiple tests of strength, you have honed your strikes to a near work of art. Melee attacks against targets apply the Sustained Fire status. (This does not stack with, but does provide the bonuses to ranged attacks) [/hider][/center]