Name: Gaia-Elizabeth Race: Nymph Nymphs live in all types of galaxies so they are typically common, however they are rare to be seen because nobody recognises them just because of how small they are which is pretty cute in their demeanor. Mostly the males are slender and handsome, while the females are all pure and beautiful. The females typically wear flowers in their hair as they are very natural and playful, the males don’t wear anything to show they love nature but they will often give the girls the flowers (typically brothers to sisters) There are two types of nymphs, ones with wings and ones without, and all nymphs have different types of ears regardless if they are flying types or not. All flying-type nymphs require a special-type of dust for their wings to keep them healthy and strong and must be sprinkled on (with assistance) on their wings every morning or every afternoon, otherwise they will lose the ability to fly. Age: 100 (Young adult) Gender: Female Rank: T-3 (Empath) Appearance: [hider= Gaia-Elizabeth] [img][/img] [/hider] Gaia is your normal typical nymph-looking nymph, pointy ears and a fancy hairstyle, she is adorned in a white dress while her hairstyle is placed on with flowers, also typical for the nymph female. She is also tiny so everyone has to look hard for her, her height is exactly 2ft which only makes her even the more cuter. Possessions: Special wing dust for her wings, she will need assistance to put it on her. Skills/Abilities: Flying, fast-flying (like sprinting, but you get the hint), walking through tiny places, healing through herbs, understanding crystals, crystal bonding. Personality: Cheeky, playful but kind, Gaia is a very down-to earth type of girl who might be taken as a complete mystery Crystal: Orange, her favourite colour. Despite it being tiny she has grown to bond with it. It was given to her by her brother along with the flowers he gave her. History: Ever since she was little Gaia-Elizabeth has always wanted to help others because she knew she had nothing better to do, so she decided to become an empath. Even though she found it hard to make friends where she was training to be one (Because they struggled to notice her) she had a fairly well-educated life. One day the GNC contacted her personally about her work and about her healing through herbs and asked if she could be in one of their embassies, saying that her healing and her understanding of everything involving the crystals is exact. And her other qualities can be very useful. The day Gaia left her brother gave Gaia her very own crystal and flowers for her hair, and will never take the flowers off her or let others ruin it. [hider=List of basic Npcs she works with] The children of the childrens ward Doctors/Nurses Names and roles: [/hider]