I think we should head north as suggested originally, if we start to stray we can do that IC. It seems implied by everyone that there are multiple groups heading out, and if we're all heading together I guess we should have a post meeting up. Or we could all be the last ones left and forced into a group, that would make things a little easier writing wise. As for Verdante, we could say they were pretty hostile and declined to send anyone. OR the people they did send went missing before they reached Phoenicis, which could lead to some intriguing things later like discovering what happened to them (dead probs) and how they died, which makes them think it was a trap and act of war, making the verdante people very hostile to the group. Lots of options there. Also, I am in favor of staying in this thread. Just makes it easier, and I don't really see any huge benefit to moving. [@nuttsnbolts] I gotcha [@c3p-0h] Our characters will interact soon ^_^