Kaite had been hung up engaging in vengeful recindence on a bandit group that'd tried to rob her the night before. Arriving to town too late for most shops, she had, convenience, stumbled upon the events taking place leading up to stalking the cultists back to their hideout in the hope to weed them out, lest they come back. The ride to Alvion was a pleasant turn of events, especially since Kaite barely had the money to buy provisions and the merchant had been very gracious enough to supply her as well (at a discount, at least *shrug*). "Kaitra, really" she began with a gracious nod as she took the cup and swirled the contents. " 'Jericho' is just a family name that stuck" Kaite continued with a small chuckle before taking a sip. She had let her down, partially, leaving her helmet with her affects, hooked to the bag. Common sailor rum, bitter but smooth enough. "It was supposedly from a friend of my father I've never met, or something...sorry about your crewman" She answered in regards to the question, having never actually considered its origin. "Mostly wandering, at the moment, although I'm on the lookout for just such tips." She said, furrowing her brows, slightly. "This goes on in Alvion?...[i]this?[/i]" she inquired.